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Tetsuya Toyoda: The Introduction of On-Arrival Visa in Vladivostok and Possible Increase in the Number of Japanese Tourists

On 13 July 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a legislation establishing Vladivostok Free Port. One of effects of the new law is the introduction of the on-arrival visa regime in Vladivostok. This can promote tourism from Japan. The City of Vladivostok is a jewel in the Far East. Every Japanese visitor is impressed by the fact that there is an authentic European city so close to Japan. It takes only two and half hours' flight from Tokyo-Narita Airport to Vladivostok....

12.08.2015 06:00:00

Andrey Gubin: Is there a naval arms race in the Asia Pacific?

... anti-aircraft and ballistic missile defence; anti-submarine and surface ships warfare; supporting the amphibious operation or suppressing enemy’s military and economic infrastructure. In the Asia Pacific Aegis-equipped ships are deployed by the USA, Japan and Republic of Korea. There are plans in Australia, Canada, Taiwan to build such destroyers. Moreover China and Russia have Aegis analogs of indigenous design. It’s notable that Aegis-equipped ships are the backbone of the Japanese and Korean ...

22.09.2014 07:44:00

Japan Exempted from Russian Countermeasures: Russian-Japanese Partnership Reaffirmed

... Relations at the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Switzerland, and a research fellow with the Europe-Asia Programme at the Balkan Security Agenda in Serbia. He holds Bachelor of Economics from Tohoku University in Japan, Master in International Affairs from the Geneva Graduate Institute, and has also studied at University of California at Davis and Moscow State Institute of International Relations. In the evening of 7 August 2014, Tokyo was struck by a happy ...

07.08.2014 18:12:00

Opening The Sanction Magicbox: Myth of Japanese Sanction Against Russia

... Relations at the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Switzerland, and a research fellow with the Europe-Asia Programme at the Balkan Security Agenda in Serbia. He holds Bachelor of Economics from Tohoku University in Japan, Master in International Affairs from the Geneva Graduate Institute, and has also studied at University of California at Davis and Moscow State Institute of International Relations. The downing of the Malaysian MH17 has shaken the whole world....

21.07.2014 12:15:00

European Union or European Division: Challenges for OSCE

... region. Perhaps, the Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is the last remaining hope to realize the inclusive unification of the European security landscape based on mutual respect and spirit of cooperation. On 17 June 2014, the OSCE-Japan Conference was held at Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo, aiming to foster inter-regional cooperation to create a safer and fairer world. The two-day conference brought together representatives of 57 OSCE participating States and Asian ...

29.06.2014 12:19:00

Tetsuya Toyoda: Why Can the Chinese ADIZ be a Threat to the Peace in East Asia

... country's security early warning system, which was initiated by the US and Canada in the 1950s amid the East-West military confrontation. Air defense identification zones now surround much of North America, and more than 20 countries and regions, including Japan, South Korea and the Philippines, have established such zones. Rules for the zones vary from country to country, but all have the same defensive nature. Yes, that is correct. He has nicely pointed out the fact that it was the Americans who started ...

26.12.2013 11:04:00

Céline Pajon: Japan-Russia: Toward a Strategic Partnership?

Do the peace talks between Japan and Russia, reopened in March 2013 by Shinzo Abe and Vladimir Putin, have any chance of success? A window of opportunity has indeed opened for an historic rapprochement between Russia and Japan. The two countries have converging strategies and interests ...

16.09.2013 18:19:00

Essay: A Dream Unforgotten –My Grandfather’s Untold Philosophy of People are Nation, but Nation is Not People

Everybody wonders why I decided to live and work in Moscow. The first question I receive from new friends and colleagues here is always, Why Russia? Why leaving Japan behind? Why not enjoying lake and chocolate in Switzerland? Some think that I am very much fond of snow and cold weather. I am not. The others guess that maybe I am a vodka-lover. Well, maybe, sometimes yes. But it is not these allusions or fascination ...

13.09.2013 14:34:00

Over the Sixty-Eight-Year Battle of Prestige –Revealing Hidden Dimensions of the Southern Kuril Territorial Dispute Settlement

From 1945 to date, the southern Kuril Islands (particularly Iturp, Kunashir, Shikotan, and Habamai) have been a very frontier of Russo-Japanese battle of prestige. Over the last sixty-eight years, uncountable proposals to resolve the dispute have emerged from both sides; nevertheless, they all were torn apart by political unwillingness. Most recently, Japanese newspaper Asahi Shinbun ...

11.09.2013 17:52:00

Tetsuya Toyoda: New Development in Wartime Compensation Cases between South Korea and Japan

It was on 30 August 2011, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) issued a landmark decision on a case of former comfort women claiming compensation from the Japanese government. In view of obtaining compensations for former comfort women, the Court ordered the South Korean Government “to take steps for dispute settlement under Article 3 of the Agreement [of 1965 on the settlement of post-colonial claims]1)....

10.09.2013 14:57:00

Look, who is the best friend of Russia in Japan? –An economic consequence of Japanese election 2013 on Russia-Japan relations

... of “you are either with us or against us.” Yet, we also must not dismiss the fact that there is a substantial difference between friendship and best-friendship. Therefore, for Russia to develop stable and favorable economic relations with Japan, it is imperative to carefully identity who is the Russia’s best friend in Japan –the best friend who has aligned interest not only with Tokyo but also with Moscow and who can strategically formulate proposals to make concrete actions ...

19.08.2013 17:59:00

Unfinished War? –Why Russia and Japan are still at “the state of war” after half a century

At an international summer program of MGIMO (Russian Foreign Ministry Moscow State Institute of International Relations), more than a few professors mentioned that Russia and Japan are still technically “at the state of war” since there has been no conclusive peace treaty signed after the World War II. The statement brought an apparent surprise to many participants, although a majority of them were students and ...

06.08.2013 16:02:00

Tetsuya Toyoda: Comfortable Confrontation between China and Japan

The collision of a Chinese ‘fishing’ boat into vessels of the Japanese Coast Guard in September 2010 near the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands triggered the rise of tension between China and Japan. After the arrest of the captain and crew of the boat, there was an uproar of violent protests all over China, demanding the return ...

07.06.2013 12:20:00

Paul Richardson: Geopolitical Rivalry in the Asia-Pacific

At noon on the 1st of October 2012, the first Osprey V-22 aircraft landed at Futenma Marine Corps Air Station on Japan’s Okinawa Island. The controversial deployment of this ungainly looking aircraft (a hybrid between a helicopter and fixed-wing plane) has exposed tensions between centre and periphery in Japanese politics, revealed major fault-lines in the ...

19.05.2013 07:55:00

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Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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