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Ruslan Mamedov

Ph.D. in History, Scientific Advisor of The Evgeny Primakov Center for International Cooperation, Senior Research Fellow, Center for the Arab and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS

“Military Power of the States of the Middle East and North Africa” infographics provides an opportunity to compare the size of the armed forces and the defense spending of the states of the region. The infographic provides data on major arms suppliers and key security partners for the Middle East and North Africa, including the availability of foreign military bases.

“Military Power of the States of the Middle East and North Africa” infographics provides an opportunity to compare the size of the armed forces and the defense spending of the states of the region. The infographic provides data on major arms suppliers and key security partners for the Middle East and North Africa, including the availability of foreign military bases.

The infographic is part of the preparation for the publication of the anthology “Armies and Security in the Middle East and North Africa”.

The data used in the project is provided by Global Firepower and SIPRI.

Author: Ruslan Mamedov.

Data: Vsevolod Orlov and Aleksandr Nadzharov.

Developed by INFOGRAFIKA Studio.

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