The working paper is devoted to the activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), its influence on the Central Asian region, adjacent areas and states. Its relevance derives from the national security interests of Russia and the Central Asian region, connected to the need to develop and adopt a long-term SCO Development Strategy up to 2025. The document provides different scenarios for the Organisation’s development, its likely reaction to crises in the region, including in Afghanistan, the possibility of the key players (Russia and China) strengthening its potential, as well as options for increasing the number of permanent members and collaborating with observer countries (India, Pakistan, Iran and Mongolia).
The working paper is devoted to the activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), its influence on the Central Asian region, adjacent areas and states. Its relevance derives from the national security interests of Russia and the Central Asian region, connected to the need to develop and adopt a long-term SCO Development Strategy up to 2025.
The document provides different scenarios for the Organisation’s development, its likely reaction to crises in the region, including in Afghanistan, the possibility of the key players (Russia and China) strengthening its potential, as well as options for increasing the number of permanent members and collaborating with observer countries (India, Pakistan, Iran and Mongolia).
The possibilities for and impediments to strengthening the geopolitical role of the SCO are analysed and practical recommendations are given.
S.G. Luzyanin, Dr. of History (Chairperson, Introduction, Chap. 1, Conclusion); V.A. Matveev, Ph.D. in Economics (Chap. 2); L.N. Smirnova, Ph.D. in Political Science (Chap. 3).
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. Model 2014–2015, 366 Kb
Larisa Smirnova "Towards a Eurasian Zone of Higher Education"(中文)
Presentation of the RIAC working paper "Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. Model 2014–2015".