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Andrey Kortunov

Ph.D. in History, RIAC Member

More than 70 years have passed since the Tehran Conference. But today, in Russia, the idea of "invincible unity" is being revived and repackaged for a new war: the war on terror.

Tehran Conference

  • 28 November to 1 December 1943
  • the first meeting of the Big Three Allied leaders: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US President Franklin D Roosevelt and Russian leader Josef Stalin
  • aim was to discuss future strategy - and more specifically, the invasion of France (now codenamed Operation Overlord)
  • the Normandy landings were confirmed, and, shortly after the conference, Gen Eisenhower and Gen Montgomery were appointed as commanders
  • Stalin also confirmed the Soviet Union would join the war against Japan
  • The post-War division of Germany was also discussed

What are the prospects for new effective coalition of Big Three?

"We have no common vision. Since we don't have a common vision, we cannot have a common strategy," says Andrei Kortunov, from the Russian International Affairs Council.

"What's more, most of the sides engaged in this conflict do not have trust in each other, which is a major complication. Given the concentration of troops in the region, the sheer military power generates risks. I don't see an end game. Neither in Washington or Moscow or London, for how we're going to end this whole thing."

Source: BBC

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