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ASEAN - US Cooperation - Friends with All, Foes with None: Working with all to facilitate Inclusion of Special Needs People

... and civil society organisations and NGOs. This kind of ASEAN hedging allows for good relations with the US, China, Japan, South Korea (ASEAN+3), South Asia (ASEAN-SAACR), Europe ASEAN-EUROPE (Asia-Europe: ASEAN+3 and the 26 EU member nations), ASEAN-AFRICA nations and so forth. There is also ASEAN-BRICS is a partnership between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the BRICS intergovernmental organization. The three ASEAN countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand became a full ...

31.01.2025 18:29:33

Chinese Investment in Africa and the West. Political Dilemma and Geostrategic Changes

... political and military power. Therefore, it can be said that these investment policies inevitably reflect China’s vision of how to achieve long-term political and economic goals. On this basis, it seems that the influence of Chinese investments on the African continent represents a geostrategic change that will upset many global economic and political balances at all levels and in all areas. Chinese investments have expanded their scope of work across the continent, and the volume of trade between ...

18.11.2024 15:55:07

In Retreat: French Influence in the Sahel Region

France was once home to a far-flung empire in Africa. After World War II, independence movements resulted in the empire’s breakup, followed by the establishment of new post-colonial states. Though France officially left the continent, it still maintained significant influence over its former African ...

14.09.2023 18:20:00

Complementarity Gains. Russia and China can provide Africa what it needs

Changes not seen in a hundred years are taking place - and the global South stands to benefit. Africa is the world’s youngest continent and its many nations are developing rapidly. Investment that reinforces local agency and solidifies development gains is the missing piece of the puzzle. Russia and China have been delivering this independently ...

12.09.2023 18:13:35

Understanding the Niger Coup and its Implications

... for limiting migration flows northward, Niger was once the cornerstone of the West's Sahel strategy. [2] Source: Reuters Given its uranium resources, geographic location, and colonial history, Niger has emerged as one of the most important nations in Africa for global powerplay. The recent coup in Niger has harmed Western interests as Niger played a crucial strategic role for the West. More importantly, the security of the entire region has further become more unstable, as the Economic Community of ...

29.08.2023 16:06:18

July Summits: EU-CELAC Summit, a Bittersweet Victory for Latin America; Africa-Russia Summit, Another Brick in Building a Multipolar and Post-Hegemonic World

In July 2023, two notable international summits took place: the European Union-Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (EU-CELAC) Summit and the Africa-Russia Summit. Below are some impressions to assess to compare the implications of both events. A comparative analysis of the final declarations of both summits yields the following impressions: Although the EU-CELAC Summit had a relatively positive ...

03.08.2023 17:24:24

From the Russian Empire and Abyssinia to the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Ethiopia

In the Russian Federation, the year 2023 is marked as a year of Africa. In July, there will be a second Russia-Africa Summit, taking place in St. Petersburg. In addition to that, another significant date should be noted. In February, it is already 125 years since the establishment of official diplomatic relations ...

13.07.2023 19:56:42

African States Should Seize the Opportunity to Work with the Mutually-Reinforcing Global Visions of China and Russia

Changes not seen in one hundred years are taking place – and the Global South stands to benefit. Africa is the world’s youngest continent.[1] Leveraging its population pidend, Africa has a unique opportunity to transform in the coming decades – Russian and Chinese support will be key to success. Source: Rosatom Indeed, for more than a decade,...

04.07.2023 14:21:00

Global Water Situation – Paradox

Global Water Situation One of the Millennium Development Goals drawn up by the WHO (World health Organization) is to halve the percentage of people without access to drinkable water. Since the end of 2011, 89% of the world population uses safe source of drinkable water, while 55% has water directly into their home. Despite this important result: The lack of safe water sources causes tens of thousands of deaths every day, especially children. 768 million people (source: UNICEF) are still without access...

19.04.2017 15:56:56

Sports Diplomacy. Can Sepp Blatter bring unity to a fractious FIFA?

After being told by Henry Kissinger that it was time to “modernize” FIFA president Sepp Blatter has turned football into a money machine that is expanding in Africa the Middle East and Asia, and maintaining a profitable scenario for marketing partners in a troubled global economy. Reflecting on how football has become a global force during his long tenure as FIFA president, Blatter tweeted on March 23rd ...

04.04.2015 18:30:00

Diplomacy and hegemony in the “Horn of Africa

... assistance to reduce hunger and boost democracy building living standards Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank and Ban Ki Moon, secretary general of the United Nations, have launched a plan that expands the strategically significant “Horn of Africa” to encompass 18 percent of the total continent. Their recent trip to Addis Ababa and Mogadishu to buzz up the project was reported with optimism by major western media and assets. Another iffy “start up” from the UN and the ...

17.11.2014 10:54:00

The ISIS Crisis and the faiblesse of global governance

... speech is that it’s not over. German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble has voiced major concerns over the future of the Euro. Open season for George Soros and his hedge fund and arbitrage friends. A three front war. Ukraine. ISIS-Middle East. Africa. Beyond the focus of the Obama speech, the entire continent of Africa remains a region of escalating conflict. The World Bank estimates that there are 3 million refugees displaced by wars. The United Nations has just authorized a shoot to kill ...

11.09.2014 10:13:00

Africa: the Potential Arms-sell Competition among the EU, Russia and China?

... European Union (France, Germany, the UK, Spain, and Italy) take the 66 percent of international arms transfer in the period of 2009~2013 (Siemon T. Wezeman, 2014). Compared with the 2004~2008, the percentage of arms importers of major weapon regional, Africa increase from 7% to 9% in the same period (see the below). As recipient, the poorly limited defense budget in African continent, will acting as the main obstacle against arms import to the predictable. For the reason of energy supply, geostrategic ...

24.04.2014 14:00:00

Nuclear geopolitics. Shifting sands along Africa’s Uranium Road

... production of uranium comes from mines located in Kazakhstan, Canada and Australia. Even with French president Francoise Hollande sitting at 18 percent popularity in the polls France has conducted interventions in its former colonies; the Central African Republic, Mali and Niger all of which contain uranium deposits. China has become the new player in the club and its presence is being felt along Africa’s Uranium Road, the meridian that stretches from the Western Sahara to Sudan, where ...

19.02.2014 18:44:00

The Janus face of Pan-Africanism

... and traditions. It’s month is represented by January and we are getting close to it now. Frantz Fanon, ideologue of the Algerian war of independence, called for violent revolution. Nelson Mandela, a descendent of the noble Tembu tribe in South Africa decided it could be achieved peacefuly. Mandela has just been enshrined in the pantheon of democracy. Fanon, whose strategy opened the door for him, is a forgotten martyr. It’s an ironic coincidence that Nelson Mandela died last week on December ...

11.12.2013 05:07:00

D.R. Congo - Land of Many Perils

... unquestionably a nuclear bomb, but if we look at the real weapons of mass destruction it is in fact small arms, these cause more desolation then any explosion. I am sure, there are some who expect me to tell a story about AK-47 wielding maniacs from South Africa, who travelled to Congo in a bid to secure riches of this vast realm and at the end even save a damsel in distress. Sure, ZA mercenaries can be found throughout Africa, and Congo is by no means an exception, nor is the fear these mercenaries instil ...

29.08.2013 00:02:00

Will the Central African Republic Become Another Mali?

On 24 March, in the aftermath of a conflict beginning in December 2012, the Central African Republic (CAR) suffered a coup. Its president, François Bozizé, was overthrown, and power was seized by a group of rebels headed by Michel Djotodia. We discussed the prospects for the new government and the potential escalation of ...

15.04.2013 17:54:00

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  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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