The Global South can be regarded as one of the most discussed issues on today’s agenda. Not having formed a special bloc the South Globe states play an essential part on the world and regional arena. One of the main pillars in the South Globe is India that is fast economically and politically developing now. India, a leading proponent of the Global South, initiated and held in November 2023 the Second Edition of Voice of Global South Summit, that brought together more than 100 countries to share ...
- Опубликовано:
- 03.02.2025 15:51:28
... frontline combatants and are employed for sea-control missions during combat. In peace time, carriers are used as a coercive tool for naval diplomacy and provide a decisive psychological advantage through its visible and continuous presence at sea.
The Indian Navy (IN) has been operating aircraft carriers since 1961. Up to now, four carrier vessels have sailed under the Indian Navy flag. Currently two aircraft carriers, the INS Vikramaditya and the INS Vikrant, are part of the Indian naval fleet. With ...
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- 18.11.2024 13:56:01
“Privet Moskva! Kak dela?” asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as he took the stage to address the large Indian diaspora that had gathered to see him in Moscow. A couple of months have passed, yet the takeaways of Modi’s trip to Moscow remain evident. Over the last few years, more and more Indians have come to Russia to open new businesses, seek educational ...
- Опубликовано:
- 07.08.2024 14:21:32
India and Russia have recently discussed the possibility of exploring new transport corridors like the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and the Eastern Maritime Corridor (EMC) between Vladivostok and Chennai. Both sides also agreed that Indian seafarers will ...
- Опубликовано:
- 05.10.2023 15:49:15
... and command & control capabilities. The popularization of AEW&Cs and EW/ELINT platforms, and growing jointness of all assets into a synergized force, has rapidly consolidated PAF into a force which can credibly avert all levels of aggression by the Indian counterparts.
Indian Air Force (IAF), being a numerically superior force with better combat stamina, is postured for a prolonged multi-front and attrition-oriented warfare. This posture, however, now has limited feasibility, particularly after ...
- Опубликовано:
- 10.08.2023 17:06:53
Tashkent: India is looking to usher in a comprehensive and multifaceted partnership with the countries of Central Asia by leveraging the platform provided by the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), people aware of the matter said.
SCO is a prominent Eurasian ...
- Опубликовано:
- 10.07.2023 16:24:43
The Wire published a piece by Anita Inder Singh, a Founding Professor of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution in New Delhi, declaring that “India Is Wrong: Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine Has Global, Not Just European Ramifications”. With the fullest of respect for this esteemed expert’s right to express her views about the Ukrainian Conflict, she arguably has a flawed perception about ...
- Опубликовано:
- 16.01.2023 17:45:10
... take any military action. It is also using its nuclear capability claims, to threaten Japan and South Korea and blackmail the US to talk without preconditions.
Pakistan has also been using this Nuclear Blackmailing/Dissuasion Theory against India for quite some time. It acquired nuclear and missile capability from some country/countries, which must have violated NPT at that time, and the world community ignored it. Today, Pakistan is hosting and training a maximum number of terrorist organisations ...
- Опубликовано:
- 14.11.2017 17:47:35
The US now realizes that OBOR as being a vehicle by which Beijing can catalyze an irreversible change in the strategic balance of power of new trade routes and markets. By prioritizing India in South Asian region negating Pakistan’s numerous efforts in Afghanistan would further deteriorate the regional stability. India’s stance on CPEC that it passes through the disputed territories recently obtained support by US and now Afghanistan ...
- Опубликовано:
- 13.11.2017 14:47:07
Creation of Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG) was an attempt to carry the perennial fight against nuclear proliferation. Group was created in 1974 when India steadily carried out the nuclear explosion which irreversibly changed the strategic environment in South Asia. Now, Indian inclusion in this group is receiving the close review of analysts and strategists. Primarily, NSG was formed to prevent the ...
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- 26.10.2017 16:00:13
In 1947, several months before official claiming of Indian Independence, Soviet Union became the very first nation acknowledged New India. In 1971 Moscow and Delhi signed Treaty on Peace, Friendship and Cooperation which was resumed in 1993 due to Soviet Union collapse and complemented in 2000 by Declaration ...
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- 06.10.2017 03:38:29
... terms of cost, efficiency and in the ability to create a territorial cordon sanitaire with minimal risk of escalation. Suicidal terrorists will be neutralized by miniature kamikaze drones. What more can a jawan ask for along the LOC in Kashmir? Make in India drones? But where does India stand in this transformative Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA)? Although it is acquiring local and foreign drones for a variety of anticipated missions, the Israeli Searchers, Herons, Harpys and Harops remain the ...
- Опубликовано:
- 13.09.2017 12:38:34
As a constant of history, the nation States are busy in trying to adapt to the highly unstable geo-strategic environment. As the countries pursue their national interests, new alliances are emerging and the global order is in a flux. Indian so-called strategic partnership with the U.S is an example in which New Delhi has latched on to Washington’s weakness to contain a rising China and resurgent Russia. In order to gain balance in Asia-Pacific region, the U.S. has formed an axis ...
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- 21.08.2017 09:53:10
Some Beltway based experts on South Asia have either got their maths wrong or they are politically motivated in their fissile material stocks assessments about India and Pakistan. Their guesstimates portray Pakistan sporting the fastest growing nuclear arsenal in the world whereas even a layman view over the developments in the triad of means being developed by India shows that the country should develop large ...
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- 14.08.2017 12:36:36
While the media is abuzz with various analyses on how the current India-China military standoff in the Doklam bowl may pan out, they generally miss the larger issue at stake: namely the need for a permanent border resolution between both nations. Any temporary resolution over the 89-square kilometre yak-grazing ground ...
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- 05.08.2017 21:01:05
... mechanism to pursue it and consider putting a ban on nuclear testing a step towards chasing this wild goose, which is why there is considerable confusion whether pursuit of CTBT is a non-proliferation or disarmament measure. This view from the Pakistan-India subcontinent is an examination of CTBT in disarmament context. Indian Approach towards Nuclear Test BanThe quest for nuclear disarmament dates back to 1940s. Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru proposed the idea of standstill agreement on nuclear ...
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- 07.07.2017 18:55:42
Since some time China and India are warming up to contain one another China has kicked off Belt and Road Initiative. This initiative (BRI) puts China at the heart of the new pan-Eurasian economic order the effort has drawn commitments from over 60 countries and international organisations ...
- Опубликовано:
- 04.07.2017 16:49:31
... corporate houses,they start using media as a tool/pressure group to pin point government. Thats exactly what is happening in case of President Trump.I just thought to let you know my opinion.I may be wrong also.As an international journalist based in India who continuously follows U.S. politics and is pursuing a Ph.D. on International Terrorism with emphasis on 9/11 and 26/11(Later being Mumbai Terror Attack) is watching President's flawless,emphatic and effective tenure who has devoted considerable ...
- Опубликовано:
- 26.06.2017 06:54:01
At the outset, let me start off by saying that like the topic under which the OP has been filed (Hypothetical Battles), another Indo - Pak war seems very unlikely in the near future. Also, I am an Indian, so I am obviously biased towards India. However, for the purpose of this answer, I will try to stick more with facts and less with assumption about why I think India would have an upper hand in an India-Pakistan war. I do agree with Devika Dwivedi ...
- Опубликовано:
- 20.06.2017 07:46:33
... power sector. However, the most important question, is not whether green power generation is possible, but whether it is possible where it is needed the most. For this reason, it is still interesting to concentrate on the Asian region, whose China and India account for most of the world’s emissions. Thus, in both of these developing economies increasing shift to renewables indeed can become a real game-changer helping resolve a triple challenge in meeting growing demand for electricity. First of ...
- Опубликовано:
- 05.06.2017 00:47:26