The recently concluded 9th Inter-Governmental Commission (IGC) meeting between Pakistan and Russia in Moscow marks a significant milestone in the bilateral relationship between the two nations. This historic meeting, attended by Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Energy, Sardar Owais Ahmed Leghari, and a high-level delegation, culminated ...
- Опубликовано:
- 06.12.2024 16:36:00
On September 21, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had a meeting with Jalil Abbas Jilani, Foreign Minister of Pakistan, on the sidelines of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. The conversation focused on the current bilateral and international agenda, including Ukraine and Afghanistan. The parties reaffirmed their mutual commitment to building up bilateral ...
- Опубликовано:
- 27.09.2023 16:13:58
Pakistan and Turkey are neighboring nations, with only Iran separating the two states. These two countries share a long history, steaming from Pakistan’s very establishment, when Indian Muslims were spiritually and morally supported by the Ottoman Empire’s ...
- Опубликовано:
- 14.09.2023 18:48:32
... precise and stand-off strike capability; look first and shoot first advantage; and the efficient employment of electromagnetic prowess.
The air power plays centerline role in Indo-Pak strategic environment. Being a smaller force with limited resources, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has traditionally followed offensive defense posture. The notion behind this posture is to achieve psychological dominance over the adversary in the earliest phase of conflict to accomplish escalation control. At a later stage,...
- Опубликовано:
- 10.08.2023 17:06:53
Why are all eyes turned to Pakistan? Dozens of nations in the free world are currently facing similar circumstances as Pakistan; many are drowning in corruption and fighting for their survival. Chronic incompetence in productivity and perplexing national performance has left these ...
- Опубликовано:
- 28.12.2022 11:03:33
... have acquired the extensive geo-political and geo-economic importance in the region. CARs include five republics of the former Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. All republics are land-locked and energy-rich.Pakistan and CARs share various religious and cultural commonalities. However, Islamabad has not cultivated close ties so far. Margins in mutual cooperation still exist. Even though Pakistan desires close political and economic linkage with the Central ...
- Опубликовано:
- 27.11.2017 11:02:01
... dissuades the strongest military power US (having all instruments of military deterrence) to take any military action. It is also using its nuclear capability claims, to threaten Japan and South Korea and blackmail the US to talk without preconditions.
Pakistan has also been using this Nuclear Blackmailing/Dissuasion Theory against India for quite some time. It acquired nuclear and missile capability from some country/countries, which must have violated NPT at that time, and the world community ...
- Опубликовано:
- 14.11.2017 17:47:35
A few months ago, Pakistan successfully managed to secure the membership of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) which is, undoubtedly, a significant accomplishment for the country. Credit must be given to the drivers of Pakistan’s foreign policy and owes to the multitude ...
- Опубликовано:
- 14.11.2017 08:42:10
... NSG despite the fact that NPT was not ratified by India. Firm proponents of NSG believe that Inclusion of non-signatory states may kill the very objective of the formation of this group. India is operating to secure the membership of that group so is Pakistan. Realism-the most dominated school of thought-implies that every state seeks to safeguards its interests. However, realists should not sell idealism as placebo while adopting the realism as operating paradigm. This especially refers to US which ...
- Опубликовано:
- 26.10.2017 16:00:13
... president Trump effort to pass a joint declaration in order to condemn North Korea’s recent ICBM test.
Newly, the Pentagon alleged China and there was also a pop up in the main stream media indicating that China has stationed several thousand troops in Pakistan most probably at the Gwadar Port, in order to establish counter balance for America’s strategic partner India and America itself. Gwadar Port is a warm-water, deep-sea port situated on the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Baluchistan the socalled province ...
- Опубликовано:
- 21.09.2017 12:20:03
... exercises substantial leverage over Moscow’s foreign policy. China and Russia have exercised pragmatism in dealing with Indo-U.S. Axis and made India member of SCO in perhaps a hope that India may revert to its so-called policy of non-alignment.Pakistan believes that the simultaneous inclusion of Pakistan and India in SCO would help in bringing the two countries on the same table and in reducing the trust deficit between them. However, there is a misperception that because of the so-called Indo-U....
- Опубликовано:
- 21.08.2017 09:53:10
Some Beltway based experts on South Asia have either got their maths wrong or they are politically motivated in their fissile material stocks assessments about India and Pakistan. Their guesstimates portray Pakistan sporting the fastest growing nuclear arsenal in the world whereas even a layman view over the developments in the triad of means being developed by India shows that the country should develop large stockpiles ...
- Опубликовано:
- 14.08.2017 12:36:36
... agreeable mechanism to pursue it and consider putting a ban on nuclear testing a step towards chasing this wild goose, which is why there is considerable confusion whether pursuit of CTBT is a non-proliferation or disarmament measure. This view from the Pakistan-India subcontinent is an examination of CTBT in disarmament context. Indian Approach towards Nuclear Test BanThe quest for nuclear disarmament dates back to 1940s. Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru proposed the idea of standstill agreement ...
- Опубликовано:
- 07.07.2017 18:55:42
... unlikely in the near future. Also, I am an Indian, so I am obviously biased towards India. However, for the purpose of this answer, I will try to stick more with facts and less with assumption about why I think India would have an upper hand in an India-Pakistan war. I do agree with Devika Dwivedi and Sajal Jain in their respective arguments. Additionally, here's what I think will work in India's favor - 1. Military: India has a clearly larger military with access to more defense reserves, budgets and ...
- Опубликовано:
- 20.06.2017 07:46:33
South Asia is undergoing an extremely unmatchable time of its politics. In the politics of last three decades, Pakistan has become an island in international politics in the South Asian matters particularly with reference to India and Afghanistan. The internal politics of Pakistan is a contour which today has emerged as cornerstone in the post-China-Pakistan Economic ...
- Опубликовано:
- 13.04.2017 16:59:40
... pressing security problems of the region. While the central focus of the meeting was on the fight against terrorism and extremism, the question of extending membership to several countries was discussed. The main result of these discussions was that Pakistan and India signed memorandums of obligation to join as full members. It is expected that they will accede to the organization by 2017.
Expansion of the organization into South Asia is being viewed as crucial to tackling security threats that ...
- Опубликовано:
- 13.07.2016 14:35:00
Things change a lot. Permanence of the statuesque is beyond possibility. At least, Sindh is changing; if not Pakistan. Much has been discussed about the fall and gradually decline of Pakistan; however we have to watch calculatedly the every step of its decline. At least three new major scenarios and one old scenario have recently developed: i. Sindh Government ...
- Опубликовано:
- 05.03.2015 15:40:00
In a recent meeting between President Asraf Ghani and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Afghanistan and Pakistan have reached over an understanding on the security cooperation, capacity building and mutual trade. This unexpected development exclusively includes the training of Afghan National Army by Pakistan Army. In so many manners, this out of blue development ...
- Опубликовано:
- 27.11.2014 16:27:00
Very similar starting points despite today’s differences
Today, South Korea’s GDP per capita is more than 11 times higher than Pakistan’s. And the difference in human development is even stronger, as South Korea has extremely good scores for example in life expectancy and education and Pakistan’s scores are even low for its income level. Nonetheless, until the middle ...
- Опубликовано:
- 27.11.2013 13:15:00
... over the world through its powerful military. This perception is certainly flawed, but those who adhere to such a view are not at fault. This negative projection of Russia can be accredited to Hollywood In specific and the Western media in general. For Pakistanis, Russia is still a powerful Great Bear, if not a super-powerful Great Red Bear which it once was during the Soviet era. It was perceived as Pakistan’s enemy number one during the Afghan War which the ISI had planned with its counterparts ...
- Опубликовано:
- 19.11.2013 18:42:00