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Responsibility to Protect and Syria

... international peace and security in compliance with Chapter VII of the UN Charter. In case of Syria the doctrine hasn’t been invoked yet, because substantial disagreements over R2P’s practical implementation led to a political stalemate at the UN Security Council. And it is not surprising as the doctrine in its current form was never meant to be a panacea. First of all, R2P is a non-binding norm, not an international law. It can only be invoked by the UN Security Council and only when the interests ...

21.05.2013 21:18:00

North Korea and its Nukes

... as it coincides with Obama’s annual State of the Union address. The test was a sign of lost patience aimed at showing the United States that North Korea will fight to the last to defend its sovereignty. The test clearly violated previous UN Security Council resolutions. All members of the UN Security condemned Pyongyang's latest nuclear test. The January resolution that sharpened sanctions on North Korea in wake of its ballistic missile launch stated that if North Korea were to do ...

13.02.2013 11:21:00

Six Criteria for Military Intervention: Right Authority

... defines who has the right to authorize military intervention. Criterion 6: Right authority It is rather important to ensure that a military intervention is legitimate and has broad support from the international community. The United Nations Security Council is the only international body that should represent the world’s voice and make decisions with binding force. But the politicization of the Security Council sometimes prevents it from making just decisions that could save lives....

08.11.2012 22:08:00

Six Criteria for Military Intervention: Proportional Means and Reasonable Prospect

... – intervention is different from full scale war. Proportional means would put a constraint on the use of force, which should be minimized during humanitarian interventions. Coupled with proportional means, a clear mandate authorized by the UN Security Council containing detailed instructions on what exactly can and cannot be done on the ground will manage the expectations of all parties to the conflict, reduce criticism, and assure more support among UN Member States. Governments that contribute ...

02.11.2012 04:52:00

Six Criteria for Military Intervention: Just Cause and Right Intention

... genocide ended and even then it was restricted to mainly observing, monitoring, and ensuring that both parties to the conflict take measures to ensure the safety of civilians[1]. A massive military intervention was needed to halt atrocities, but the Security Council and UN Member States were incapable of responding to the realities on the ground.[2] While on the other hand, we have Libya with 1,000 – 3,000 casualties and with coalition forces intervening in that country within 3 days of ...

30.10.2012 22:02:00

Six Criteria for Military Intervention: Last Resort

... primary motivation for intervention (Right intention) the international community can supply adequate means and the intervention will bring more good than harm (Proportional means and reasonable prospect) the military intervention is authorized by the UN Security Council (Right authority) Criterion 1: Last resort The end goal of any conflict, including a military one, is to find a negotiated solution. Yet before military intervention is considered as an option we must first be sure that a negotiated ...

29.10.2012 03:36:00

Politicization of the United Nations: the Human Cost

... decisively? Here, the UN mandate in Rwanda was restricted to mainly observing, monitoring and ensuring that both parties to the conflict take measures to insure the safety of civilians. A massive military intervention was needed to halt atrocities, but the Security Council and Member States were incapable of responding to the realities on the ground. In contrast, we also have a case like Libya with 1,000-3,000 casualties and the Coalition forces intervening in the country within 3 days of adoption of ...

30.09.2012 16:29:00

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  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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