The war in Ukraine is not only the death of tens of thousands of Ukrainians, it is also an excellent opportunity for the Ukrainian elite to make money. Using the example of the flights of the Ukrainian leader's wife Olena Zelenskaya, I will show to our readers where the money of American taxpayers goes, and,...
- Опубликовано:
- 26.02.2025 18:33:02
... responsible for finance and procurement of the defense department, were behind the arms supplies to Hamas.
In Israel, back in June 2023, there were concerns that weapons supplied to Ukraine could be used in the Middle East. In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, Benjamin Netanyahu reported that Western anti-tank weapons intended for the Ukrainian Armed Forces had been spotted on the borders of Israel.
The Hamas attack of 2023 confirmed the validity of Tel Aviv's mistrust of Kyiv. The Palestinian ...
- Опубликовано:
- 31.01.2025 18:40:34
... superpowers. Furthermore, at request, ASEAN has been open to dialogue and cooperation with Taiwan. Most ASEAN member nations have a representative office of Taiwan on their soil for trade and people-to-people exchanges, education and mobility reasons.
ASEAN-USA Collaboration for Inclusion of Special Needs People
According to the Pew Research Center in 2022, there were about 42.5 million people in the United States with a disability, which is about 13% of the civilian non-institutionalised population. This ...
- Опубликовано:
- 31.01.2025 18:29:33
Russian-African ties pose both opportunities and challenges for African countries, but Moscow's renewed engagement in Africa raises concerns among Western nations.
The African continent is witnessing a noticeable escalation in the competition between the United States and Russia. Both superpowers are seeking to strengthen their influence and expand their interests in this strategic region, rich in natural resources and a potentially huge market for products and services. It is an important arena...
- Опубликовано:
- 08.05.2024 11:07:43
On June 10, 1963, less than eight months after his nearly-catastrophic confrontation with the Soviet Union over nuclear missiles they placed in Cuba, President John F. Kennedy (JFK) delivered a speech which must be heard by everyone concerned about the existential threat emanating from NATO’s aggressive stance against Russia in Ukraine. The decision in October 1962 by JFK to blockade Cuba brought the two nations face-to-face in a possible nuclear confrontation. Both leaders were under heavy pressure...
- Опубликовано:
- 09.06.2023 15:14:56
“Rocket Man” Kim Jong-Un surely believes we are doing what Abe most feared! So does Vladimir Putin. In an article written two weeks ago but published only yesterday by the BESA Center for Strategic Studies and Linkedin, we made two points about North Korea. 1. That the president’s coercive diplomacy against North Korea worked temporarily. Since Sept. 15 there has been no launching of North Korean missiles. But we also warned that our foreign foes, particularly the North Koreans, but also the Russians...
- Опубликовано:
- 29.11.2017 16:38:36
Author: Jiri Valenta, distinguished Russologist, Jiri Valenta is a former consultant to the Reagan adm. & among the few CFR members to support Trump’s candidacy in his writing. Leni Friedman Valenta is CEO of the Institute of Post Communist Studies and Terrorism and an editor for the couple’s website SUMMARY: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves,” wrote Abraham Lincoln. Americans must keep...
- Опубликовано:
- 29.11.2017 16:22:01
Author: Major General S B Asthana,an Infantry General with 40 years of defence experience at national and international level. The use of nuclear capability as insurance for its defence was cited as the main reason by every country, which added nuclear weapons to its armoury, ever since it was invented. It spiralled into a competition, which came under some control after the realisation of its devastation in Japan, and potentials of mutually assured destruction (MAD). When Israel went nuclear...
- Опубликовано:
- 14.11.2017 17:47:35
Creation of Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG) was an attempt to carry the perennial fight against nuclear proliferation. Group was created in 1974 when India steadily carried out the nuclear explosion which irreversibly changed the strategic environment in South Asia. Now, Indian inclusion in this group is receiving the close review of analysts and strategists. Primarily, NSG was formed to prevent the nuclear proliferation by all means including overseeing the re-transfer, export and protection of all...
- Опубликовано:
- 26.10.2017 16:00:13
After the announcement of president Trump new South Asian strategy and according to our sources within the American intelligence community, the US forces will double their offensives on insurgency/Taliban which the Pentagon refers to special operations, known as ‘surge’. Many US Non-Official Cover (NOCs) or espionage activities will be increased. Furthermore the CIA and US intelligence community will multiply their Afghan ‘Snitches’ and maximize their operations all over Afghanistan. This calls...
- Опубликовано:
- 25.10.2017 15:25:13
... it become a major exporter of gas to Turkey and Europe. Rosneft secured a deal to develop five fields and has also agreed to help the region expand its oil pipeline infrastructure through which crude is exported via Turkey to global markets. For the USA, it is not satisfied with the Turkish rapprochement with Moscow, and might use the Kurdish card to pressure on Ankara, further complicating its regional and internal affairs -Despite of being two close allies in NATO. On the other hand, both Moscow ...
- Опубликовано:
- 09.10.2017 15:04:03
... China curbed president Trump effort to pass a joint declaration in order to condemn North Korea’s recent ICBM test.
Newly, the Pentagon alleged China and there was also a pop up in the main stream media indicating that China has stationed several thousand troops in Pakistan most probably at the Gwadar Port, in order to establish counter balance for America’s strategic partner India and America itself. Gwadar Port is a warm-water, deep-sea port situated on the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Baluchistan ...
- Опубликовано:
- 21.09.2017 12:20:03
Although US and Iranian diplomatic strategy compartmentalized the Iran nuclear negotiations in order to reduce the risk of failure on this priority issue, these governments’ regional disputes were inevitably going to return to the fore and threaten the sustainability of the nuclear agreement. President Trump’s reported intention to find Iran in non-compliance of the nuclear agreement—setting conclusions ahead of facts in a manner reminiscent of the Bush administration’s disastrous Iraq policy—is...
- Опубликовано:
- 20.09.2017 14:26:15
... Hybrid Challenge: A Comprehensive Strategic Framework,” addresses the issues that the transatlantic community faces in the wake of an evolved Russian grand strategy. This new strategy embraces the deliberate adoption of practices such as the low-level usage of force, cyber attacks, the coercion and subversion of sociopolitical and economic endeavors across the globe, and the implementation of information warfare within the international framework. [1] As the world has become increasingly globalized,...
- Опубликовано:
- 11.09.2017 14:16:33
Since November 2015, America has been dealing with a noteworthy rise in terror attacks in Afghanistan, which brought about by Taliban, Al-Qaida and the Islamic State affiliates. Improving the security situation in Afghanistan requires Washington to overcome the challenges in shifting from its current counterterrorism (CT) efforts to a counterinsurgency (COIN) campaign that will be focused on the local population in Afghanistan. The Trump administration should take its first steps in this direction...
- Опубликовано:
- 25.08.2017 10:53:28
As a constant of history, the nation States are busy in trying to adapt to the highly unstable geo-strategic environment. As the countries pursue their national interests, new alliances are emerging and the global order is in a flux. Indian so-called strategic partnership with the U.S is an example in which New Delhi has latched on to Washington’s weakness to contain a rising China and resurgent Russia. In order to gain balance in Asia-Pacific region, the U.S. has formed an axis with India and has...
- Опубликовано:
- 21.08.2017 09:53:10
Executive summary: Just as occurred during the Watergate crisis of 1973-74, America – the world’s indispensable power – is again facing a constitutional crisis, with a paralyzed president writhing beneath the Damoclean sword of Russiagate. New evidence sheds fresh light on the origins and making of both “gates,” as does a closer exploration of the Nixon-Brezhnev and Trump-Putin bromances. Russian leaders have always closely followed US presidential elections, yet they have only twice attempted...
- Опубликовано:
- 17.08.2017 14:23:22
Since Donald Trump came to power in the United States of America, tough discussions have taken place amongst the major strategists and foreign policy runners in Washington in order to devise a strategy for the war-torn country Afghanistan.The new strategy will not be workable unless the US change the military establishment of Pakistan and modify the behaviour of the deep state of the country.The US strategy formulators ought to not be reluctant of the Pakistani deep-state disastrous function in the...
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- 17.08.2017 11:56:36
Erdogan’s recent motives and cornerstone foreign policy objectives are really problematic for the former allies of Ankara. The more Ankara pushes for an independent foreign policy apart from Washington and Berlin the more it becomes a headache for deep states both in the United States and Germany. Erdogan since sometimes tried to normalize Ankara-Moscow broken relations. For years he opposed Putin’s position on Syria, and he has given up the demand that Syrian dictator Assad must go. On the contrary...
- Опубликовано:
- 02.08.2017 15:17:03
In the wake of the Second World War, the United States found itself in an unprecedented position of power. As the only country to emerge from the chaotic fighting as both victorious and unscathed relative to its European and Asian counterparts, the United States was able to set the tone for its establishment of a liberal hegemony over the world. Instead of regressing back into the isolationist camp, the United States instead utilized its preeminence to structure international institutions and law...
- Опубликовано:
- 24.07.2017 11:41:23