The war in Ukraine is not only the death of tens of thousands of Ukrainians, it is also an excellent opportunity for the Ukrainian elite to make money. Using the example of the flights of the Ukrainian leader's wife Olena Zelenskaya, I will show to our readers where ...
- Опубликовано:
- 26.02.2025 18:33:02
... department to check the spending of previously allocated funds. This has already led to the first resignations of Ukrainian officials. Defense Minister Rustem Umerov has come under attack.
Another scandal has broken out in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. According to the statement of the "Anti-Corruption Action Center", the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine has opened a criminal case on abuse of power from official position. This article provides for a punishment of up to six ...
- Опубликовано:
- 31.01.2025 18:40:34
..., since they can constrain the global agitators of our time.
The most recent example: Germany’s “no” to the EU’s punitive tariffs on imports of electric vehicles from China. And Olaf Scholz’s clear “no” to supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine. These are clear signals from Germany to China and Ukraine.
The illusion of a perfect world
In the spirit of Kant: People all have their rough edges. It’s hard to make something straight of all that, something that is 100% coherent, a world ...
- Опубликовано:
- 04.12.2024 16:31:02
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has reached a critical juncture, raising fears that it could escalate into a broader European conflict. Initially a regional dispute, the conflict now poses a serious threat to the entire continent. The United States appears to be driving the ...
- Опубликовано:
- 17.06.2024 17:36:40
Western analytical and academic events and conferences lead to the conclusion that the main theme is the so-called decolonization of Ukraine. In fact, the West, especially Washington, is very active in ‘liberation’ of Ukrainian thinking from ‘colonial ties’. This is what Moscow should have been doing in all the former republics since the collapse of the Soviet Union, but lacked ...
- Опубликовано:
- 09.04.2024 16:50:04
... policy, which is dictated by an Anglo-Saxon-led NATO. Not since the German appointed collaborationist government of 1941–1943 has there been such a wide gap between the people and their alleged leaders.
Yet despite this, Greece has sent weapons to the Ukraine, and continues to do so. When the Ukrainian Defence Minister visited Athens in April, he was promised more artillery and small arms ammunition shipments, access to Greek hospitals for wounded military personnel and additional Soviet-era BMP infantry ...
- Опубликовано:
- 28.06.2023 17:43:34
The Wire published a piece by Anita Inder Singh, a Founding Professor of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution in New Delhi, declaring that “India Is Wrong: Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine Has Global, Not Just European Ramifications”. With the fullest of respect for this esteemed expert’s right to express her views about the Ukrainian Conflict, she arguably has a flawed perception about it. My detailed response will highlight ...
- Опубликовано:
- 16.01.2023 17:45:10
... Zelensky and Putin remained voluntarily vague, in order to keep spaces open for negotiation. In this article, I elaborate their possible compromise a bit further, addressing Zelensky’s points number 5, 6, 9, 7, 4, in this order.
Zelensky point 5: Ukraine’s territorial integrity
Instead of adding new regions to the Russian Federation, Russia can become supportive of the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, Crimea included, under strict conditions:
Each of the provinces of Donetsk,...
- Опубликовано:
- 09.01.2023 16:50:24
... natural catastrophe of Harvey, likely Irma, and the warlike scenario emerging in North Korea. He may use the coming Zapad [West] maneuvers to launch a military intervention with his Little Green Men in Belorussia as he did in Crimea and then in eastern Ukraine three years ago. We predicted the invasion of the Crimea a day before it happened, and U.S. intelligence has already learned some of the Little Green Men are among Russian elite forces assembled at the Russian-Belorussian borders. Ominously, Latvia ...
- Опубликовано:
- 11.09.2017 12:50:22
... Agenda for Economic Cooperation.
More than 200 recognized scientists, experts, stakeholders and policy-makers from numerous countries and organizations, especially from the EU and EAEU member states, but also from the USA, China, Turkey, South Korea, Ukraine and other states participated in the workshops.IIASA’s research has shown the big economic potentials of increased EU - EAEU economic cooperation, which is, however, in stark contrast with the present downward spiral of economic/trade relations....
- Опубликовано:
- 04.09.2017 10:09:43
... just welcomed the year 2017, many geostrategic agencies and foreign policy pundits have already started sharing with us their political risk bets for the coming months.In almost every of these predictions Russia, and inherently related to her case of Ukraine, is to be found at the top of the list.Obviously, this would not mean anything extraordinary, and could be perceived as a regular New Year’s update of the already appointed foreign policy path, if not for the fact that it is Donald J. Trump ...
- Опубликовано:
- 14.03.2017 14:21:00
... an “unrelenting assault” that quickly became the most intense campaign to date in the war and involved systematic targeting of hospitals (today, Russia and Assad are, with impunity, threatening whole parts of Aleppo with mass slaughter); Ukraine also saw Russian escalation.
Kerry’s talks failed because the Russians were never serious about them, much like previous negotiations on both Syria and Ukraine had repeatedly failed. After some two weeks of these Russian war crimes, the ...
- Опубликовано:
- 17.12.2016 22:44:00
New threads in the Team Trump/Team Putin tangled web show Manafort and Page linked to each other as part of a Russian plot to control Ukraine and also show a mutual Russian mafia godfather linking them with each other and Trump, providing even deeper and more fertile ground on which to question Trump’s pro-Russia, Pro-Putin positions and their origins. Author's note: this ...
- Опубликовано:
- 17.11.2016 16:11:00
... political cyberwarfare in election 2016.
By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse on July 30th/31st, 2016 (MAJOR UPDATE August 15th with bombshell information on Manafort's dealings in Ukraine and also updated August 8th to note Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein's participation in the Moscow RT gala alongside Lt. Gen. Flynn)
Andrew Harnik/AP; Reuters; The Washington Post
AMMAN — When it comes to President ...
- Опубликовано:
- 16.08.2016 17:46:00
... presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy) played a great role in the negotiation process in Georgia in 2008, so its intervention today could only be well received by the actors. Secondly, France was present in Budapest in 1994 at the occasion of the Memorandum when Ukraine dismantled its nuclear arsenal. Finally, François Hollande - the president of the Republic, and its foreign minister - Jean-Marc Ayrault, are occidental leaders who have positive relations with Russia, which is also an asset to arbitrate ...
- Опубликовано:
- 17.05.2016 11:22:00
My Russian friends used to annoy me when they insisted I could not understand Russia if I knew only Moscow and St. Petersburg. So I began to visit other Russian cities and surrounding countryside--Perm, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Izhevsk, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Ufa, Krasnodar, Vladimir-Suzdal, Tuapse. My conclusion? My friends were right. These cities are not Moscow or St. Petersburg. But then, Oklahoma City, Provo Utah, Flint Michigan, and Columbus Ohio are not New York City or Washington D.C.
- Опубликовано:
- 30.04.2016 04:38:00
... US with a naval support facility in Deveselu.
This NATO flotilla would primarily rely on NATO Black Sea members naval capabilities (i.e. Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey), but would not be restricted to them, with prospects to join already offered to Ukraine and Georgia, while some Western navies would be contributing as well (in particular the US, Italian and German).[1] Taking into account that all Black Sea maritime countries have, at best, difficult relations with Russia, Romania’s proposal ...
- Опубликовано:
- 27.04.2016 12:26:00
The conference aims to provide a detailed analysis of the oil and gas markets of Central and Eastern Europe – Belarus, Visegrad countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary), Romania, Bulgaria, the Baltic states, Ukraine, the European part of Russia both in terms of regional retail, commercial and industrial consumption and in the context of international innovative pipeline and refining projects. The Republic of Belarus is the country with a modern, advanced,...
- Опубликовано:
- 09.04.2016 15:33:00
The huge gaps between General Breedlove's allegations and the facts provided by the German intelligence service (Bundesnachrichtendienst), lead one to wonder why he continues to make such allegations....
- Опубликовано:
- 11.01.2016 05:16:00
Comment on Brian Whitmore's RFE/RL podcast, “The Daily Vertical: Return Of The Russian World>
Not much understanding of Russkiy Mir or its role in Russian foreign policy in this podcast.
Russkiy Mir is often represented as some new, strange, perhaps threatening concept cooked up in the Russian Foreign Ministry as part of a new Russian imperial project. Not so! Russkiy Mir existed long before even...
- Опубликовано:
- 03.11.2015 18:34:00