Tashkent, Uzbekistan – Nabil Belkass, a prominent Moroccan youth leader and diplomatic figure, has successfully completed an official visit to Uzbekistan, strengthening ties between Morocco, Uzbekistan,Russia, China and the broader international community.
During ...
- Опубликовано:
- 19.02.2025 12:12:07
... and having geographical proximity with South Asia, CARs have acquired the extensive geo-political and geo-economic importance in the region. CARs include five republics of the former Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. All republics are land-locked and energy-rich.Pakistan and CARs share various religious and cultural commonalities. However, Islamabad has not cultivated close ties so far. Margins in mutual cooperation still exist. Even though Pakistan desires ...
- Опубликовано:
- 27.11.2017 11:02:01
... American policy in Central Asia, reflecting some critical economic, political and security developments in the area. The June 9th speech comes after an unprecedented five-country tour of Central Asia-- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan-- by Secretary of State Kerry last November.
In the same address to the House Foreign Affairs Committee last year, Rosenblum detailed the usual multifold approach to Central Asia— the promotion of state sovereignty, security, economic ...
- Опубликовано:
- 18.07.2016 11:59:00
... with Kuchera and turns its attention to Russia and China, waiting to see how the withdrawal of coalition leads the players of the Central Asian “Game” to change their behaviour and bid on different CA countries. United States - focusing on Uzbekistan, Russia - on Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and China - on everyone, but the least of all on Kyrgyzstan. Since the beginning of 2013 CA countries started to declare the willingness of their major partners, mostly Russia and China, to make huge donations ...
- Опубликовано:
- 18.09.2013 10:33:00
... leaders for more than 20 years, one faced its president’s death and transition from one “cult of personality” to another. As remaining eternal leaders age, more and more rumors about their successors rise from the media.
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan face a situation when their leaders are not young - Nursultan Nazarbaev was born in 1940, Islam Karimov - in 1938, both of them are past over their 70’s. Both of them in the past declined the idea of staying in power until the last day ...
- Опубликовано:
- 19.07.2013 08:53:00
... from “latent” to “emergence” stage. We heard much on ambitious projects of new hydropower plants (HPP’s) in Rogun (Tajikistan) and Kambarata (Kyrgyzstan) and how those projects may affect the downstream countries, mainly Uzbekistan, as his concern is most vocal. The logic behind Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan desire to build huge HPP’s is simple - this countries lack energy resources to make electricity and deliver it to their own people. The Soviet system of redistribution ...
- Опубликовано:
- 11.04.2013 06:13:00
... the State.
Today there is a big unresolved issue in the whole region - delimitation and demarcation is still unfinished. The only state that finished this process is Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan still has some arguable areas, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan have a lot of borders section to discuss - mainly in Ferghana Valley. Additionally, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan have one more complex problems concerning territories - all of them have enclaves and the juridical aspect of connection ...
- Опубликовано:
- 22.03.2013 09:43:00