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2015 год для современной истории международных отношений отмечен целым рядом знаковых юбилейных дат: 70 лет ООН, 65 лет Европейской конвенции по правам человека, 40 лет Хельсинскому Заключительному акту СБСЕ, 25 лет объединению Германии, 20 лет ВТО. По прошествии лет мы видим эволюцию институтов и организаций, основанных почти полвека назад, продолжаем пристально наблюдать за развитием событий, начало которым было положено в 1990-ые годы. Однако за всем этим от нас не должна ускользать человеческая составляющая, роль личности в появлении новых идей и глобальных инициатив. Сегодня мы поздравляем с юбилеем президента РСМД, министра иностранных дел России (1998–2004), секретаря Совета Безопасности Российской Федерации (2004–2007) Игоря Сергеевича Иванова, отмечая его колоссальный вклад в развитие современной внешней политики России и укрепление международных контактов.

We wholeheartedly congratulate President of the Russian International Affairs Council Igor Ivanov, Russian diplomat and scholar, on his 70th birthday!

In terms of international relations, the year of 2015 has been marked by a series of milestone dates, among them the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, the 65th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights, the 40th anniversary of the CSCE Helsinki Final Act, the 25th anniversary of the reunification of Germany, and the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Organization. Throughout the passing years, we see the evolution of institutions and organizations founded almost half a century ago, and keep watching the processes launched in the 1990s. However, these momentous events shall by no means overshadow the human factor and the role of personality in emergence of fresh ideas and global initiatives.

Today we are honored to congratulate Dr. Igor Ivanov – RIAC President, Foreign Minister of Russia in 1998-2004, and Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation in 2004-2007 – with his 70th birthday. His contribution to development of modern Russia's foreign policy is outstanding.

As the head of the Russian International Affairs Council since 2011, Dr. Ivanov has never left the foreign policy domain, now focusing on its intellectual support. Under his leadership RIAC – a very unique organization – has united members of academia, business and civil society in a joint effort to help Russia integrate into the global world. Given his perfect vision of the world politics, Dr. Ivanov gathers top foreign policy specialists around RIAC, defines innovative research areas, and applies the public diplomacy instruments.

RIAC President never confines his efforts to something frequently referred to as overall guidance. He maintains live and active contacts with RIAC members. Invariably going into every detail and working in close contact with each RIAC officer, Dr. Ivanov generously shares his experience with the younger generation. He is always open to proposals and ready to support sound initiatives, offering his valuable advice in seeking solutions.

Dr. Ivanov pays a lot of attention to fostering new generation of foreign policy experts. He is always enthusiastic about meeting those who will shape the future of the Russian society.

Demonstrating deep devotion to the cause of defending Russia’s national interests, Dr. Ivanov combines determination with flexible thinking, pragmatism, vision and ability to compromise, as well as the talent for searching common points. Hence, Dr. Ivanov is well known both in Russia and beyond as a person who builds and protects relationships, creatively participates in the modern international relations, where dialogue and trust still remain the basis for development.

We wholeheartedly congratulate Igor Ivanov, Russian diplomat and scholar, President of the Russian International Affairs Council, with his 70th birthday!




I write to convey my heartfelt congratulations on your 70th birthday! This special milestone is also a celebration of your personal contribution to the world of international diplomacy, and to your many years of dedicated service, committed to building a safer more peaceful international community.You have been a leading example to society in many ways, particularly through your invaluable efforts in promoting cooperation between Europe, Russia, and the United States.

I have no doubt that you will continue being a source of inspiration in the years to come.I have very fond memories of our collaboration over the years and I wish you a very Happy Birthday and many more years of happiness, health and success,

With my warm personal regards,

Kofi. A. Annan

Secretary-General of the United Nations (1997-2006)



The paths of Igor Ivanov and myself have crossed over the decades. We have collaborated, we have agreed, and we have learned from each other.

Over these years, I have been deeply impressed by the skill with which he has handled a number of challenging assignments, including as Foreign Minister and Security Council Secretary.

While ably defending Russia’s national interests, Igor Ivanov has always been one of the strongest and most persuasive voices for constructive U.S.-Russian relations, including cooperation in ensuring strategic stability, advancing non-proliferation, and managing complex regional issues.

Henry A. Kissinger

United States Secretary of State (1973-1977)

United States National Security Advisor (1969-1975)



I wish Igor Ivanov all the best for his 70th birthday, reaching this age both with the experience of wisdom and the youth of action and initiative. I strongly believe Russia needs men like him more than ever in times of uncertainties and hard words. I believe Europe needs men like him more than ever, because he always shows that there is a path of mutual understanding and that empty indignations and soliloquies won’t change anything. I believe the world needs men like him more than ever, men with a spirit of peace, in a time were wounded identities have become weapons of mass destruction all around the world.

I met Igor Ivanov in one of these troubled times that make the difference and that allow to see to the heart of a man and his character. We met when the war in Iraq was preparing, in 2002 and we soon recognized that we shared a common view on the world, a common spirit that believes in the capacity of diplomacy to change situations and avoid crisis, not only to maintain status quo. In constant link with Vladimir Putin, Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schröder, we soon created, with Joschka Fischer, a link between our three countries that was also a bond between us. Igor and I found a common language, in a true sense as well as in a metaphoric one, because after first cautious and formal exchanges through interpreters, we discovered our common passion for the Spanish language, his as former Ambassador to Spain, mine as child raised in Latin America. Since then we constantly speak Russian together.

Igor Ivanov is a rare man, because he is a man of ideas, of action and of prudence. He is the very symbol of diplomacy for me and it is as such that he has a made a major contribution to the history of Russia in the troubled decades following the fall of the Soviet Union.

He is a man of clear cut ideas, a strategic mind who is always looking for new arguments, new positions and new possibilities. That’s what he has gone on doing with the Russian International Affairs Council in which he is so active, and that’s what he does all around the world.

He is also a man of prudence, because he has accumulated wide experience in the service of his country, during a whole life dedicated to the public service. Through his deep knowledge of men and of their mobiles, he understands how hard, long and sometimes sinuous it is to transform ideas into actions, that you must accept many failed ideas for one that works.

He is last of all and most importantly, a man of action because he believes in the possibility to change desperate situations and to solve crisis through dialogue, through the construction of robust frameworks of cooperation, with contact groups being the best way to unite forces and energies as shown by the wars in Former Yugoslavia in the 1990es, through constant development of tools of understanding.

That’s why I have wished to express my respect and admiration for the diplomat, as well as my friendship for the man. Feliz cumpleano y un fuerte abrazo, Igor!

Dominique de Villepin

Prime Minister of France (2005-2007)

Minister of Foreign Affairs of France (2002-2004)



It is my great pleasure to extend heartiest congratulations to Igor Ivanov on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

Igor Ivanov has been a trusted colleague and close friend for many years. We have worked together to help build trust between our countries and to promote our shared commitment to make the world a better place and a safer place.

Throughout his professional career, both in and out of government, Igor has been guided by his convictions and principles and has worked courageously in support of a productive and mutually beneficial U.S., Russian and European relationship – in periods of tension as well as periods of constructive engagement.

Igor is creative and committed to finding a path forward. He has the rare ability to understand even the most complex problems from different perspectives and to find fair and equitable solutions. Igor is unflinching in his dedication to his nation and his profession. He is courageous in pursuit of his objectives -- even in the face of the most daunting obstacles.

Most importantly today, Igor inspires and creates space for many others in Russia, as well as the United States and Europe, to follow his example.

I am delighted to join with friends and colleagues from around the world to wish Igor a happy 70th birthday.

Sam Nunn

Co-Chairman, Nuclear Threat Initiative

United States Senator (1972–1997)



I am delighted to have the opportunity to wish my friend and colleague, Igor, a very happy 70th birthday. We were together in Moscow on the occasion of my 60th several years back, and I dearly wish I could be with him to celebrate this milestone.

Igor has been a gracious and generous friend, a trusted and principled colleague, and a true partner for many years in the challenging work of building a more secure world. He has provided wise counsel and invaluable contributions to the work of the European Leadership Network and the Nuclear Threat Initiative, and I have been honored to serve as a co-chair with him for the ongoing project, Building Mutual Security in the Euro-Atlantic Region.

In all his endeavors, Igor contributes by example with fresh thinking in the face of worn concepts, determination in the face of intransigence, and courage in the face of barriers to progress. Igor is an inspiration, and it has been my honor to share in his work and in his company.

Most of all, I am grateful for our friendship. I wish you the very best of birthdays on your 70th, Igor, and many more!

Des Browne

Vice Chairman, Nuclear Threat Initiative

Co-founder, European Leadership Network

Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom (2006-2008)



Congratulations, Igor, on your 70th birthday. I am still quite a few years ahead of you Igor, I consider you not only a colleague, but a dear friend. During out time together representing our countries we had many challenges and opportunities. We can look back with pride on our success in improving relations between our nations, most notably with the signing of the nuclear reduction treaty — The Moscow Treaty.

I have told many people about the depth and warmth of our relationship. Even in the most difficult of times we always worked together to find compromise solutions. We were occasionally adversaries, but always friends. Alma joins me in extending best wishes to you for a Happy Birthday.

Warmest regards,

Colin Powell

United States Secretary of State (2001-2005)



Igor Ivanov has been a friend of mine from the 70’s, long time back…when Spain was still a dictatorship under Franco. I remember our conversations when I was a young leader of the opposition to Franco’s regime. When we started our political transition Igor was somebody we could always count on.

Short after his return to Spain as Ambassador, I was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Spanish Government. Our relations continued with great intensity.

Our lives kept crossing when I was NATO Secretary-General and EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Igor always impressed me by his intelligence and his goodwill to solve problems, which at the time were many, through dialogue. After we abandoned the first line of politics, we have continued our friendship, working together to maintain global stability and for the best relation between the Russian Federation, the EU and my own country.

Javier Solana

Secretary General of the Council of the European Union (1999-2009)

Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1995-1999)



Dear Igor,

I am delighted to wish you, my good friend, a happy 70th birthday!

You have been a friend and colleague for many years, and I am honored to serve with you on the Board of Directors of both the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the United Nations Foundation.

We have a shared commitment to making the world a better place and to improving relations between the United States and Russia. You are a courageous advocate for international cooperation, and I will always be grateful for your leadership, compassion and wise counsel.

I am delighted to join with friends and colleagues from around the world in wishing you a happy 70th birthday.


Ted Turner

Founder of the Cable News Network

Congratulations to RIAC President Igor Ivanov on his 70th Birthday!

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