Search: G7 (18 materials)


The Law, the Rights and the Rules

... freer their hand to carry on with the arbitrary practice of employing dirty tactics as a way to pressure competitors. During the so-called “wild 1990s” in Russia, we used to refer to such practices as laying down the law. To the participants in the G7, NATO and US-EU summits, this series of high-level events signalled the return by the United States into European affairs and the restored consolidation of the Old World under the wing of the new administration in Washington. Most NATO and EU members ...


A Tentative Step Back From the Abyss Reflects Sober Assessment of the Danger of Nuclear War

... harsh words and shrill tone from the Biden team preceding his meeting with Russian President Putin on June 16, it seemed realistic that both sides were lowering expectations in pre-summit pronouncements. In the days before the summit, Biden met with G7 leaders and NATO officials to create an impression of a united front against the "threats" posed by Russia and China. His spokesmen repeatedly painted a picture of an "Alliance of Democratic States" prepared to confront "autocratic ...


Like a Suspended Gym Teacher: Why We Should Not Expect Russia to be Welcomed Back into the G7

The sad reality of 2014 was either a historical inevitability or at least a completely predictable ending to a protracted play The history of relations between Russia and the G7 can be compared to a multi-act play with a convoluted storyline, magnificent scenery, a number of vivid characters and unexpected plot twists. Objectively, such a play more looks like an epic tragedy or, at worst, a sentimental melodrama. But, personally,...


Bonus for the “Big Eight” in Qingdao: Some Thoughts on the SCO Summit

The SCO will be able to claim the status of not only the largest, but also the most influential union in Eurasia The G7 summit in Quebec (Canada) and the SCO summit in Qingdao (China) took place at almost exactly the same time and once again clearly demonstrated the ever growing multipolarity of global and trans-regional development. However, while the Group of Seven ...


One Belt, One Road, and Seven (Not So) Giants…

... Kong…and foreign ones such as Singapore or even Sydney. REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst Despite such challenges, China (together with India) remains the world’s fastest growing major economy. Neither Beijing nor Delhi (nor Moscow) were represented in the recent G7 in Italy, which took place in Sicily’s atmospheric setting but produced a very modest outcome indeed. No deal was made on climate change, and some agreement was reached only on a declaration on terrorism. Mr Trump’s much-talked behaviours, although ...


Eight’s a Crowd

The latest G7 summit was held at the picturesque Schloss Elmau in Bavaria on June 8, 2015. Russia, which is no longer a club member, this time cemented the G7 countries as a common enemy, and even brought back the importance of the Group, which five years ago (with ...


Politics of Isolation: Russia-Europe standoff

... Russia, although the stance of Canadian Prime Minister Harper was very hard. Instead, the opinion of German Chancellor Merkel was soft. She said that any easing of the sanctions depended largely on Russia and its behavior in Ukraine. Group of Seven (G7) leaders vowed at a summit to keep sanctions against Russia in place until President Vladimir Putin and "Moscow-backed" separatists fully implement the terms of a peace deal for Ukraine. This kind of expression by the Summit leaders simply ...


Russia has never been isolated and cannot be isolated

EXCLUSIVE / As leaders of the G8 will get together without Russian President Vladimir Putin at today's G7 meeting in Brussels, Russian ambassador to the EU Vladimir Chizhov spoke to EurActiv about this summit, the 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, EU-Russia energy relations and the Ukraine crisis. Vladimir Chizhov is a career diplomat. Before being ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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