... adopted a Russia-sponsored resolution titled Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security. A year ago, however, Russia and the U.S.
for the first time submitted
a joint draft resolution on information security negotiations to the First Committee of the UN General Assembly. According to Andrey Krutskikh, the Russian President’s
special envoy
for international information security cooperation, the document was one of the high points in ...
States, especially those with leading scientific and technological capabilities, can and should cooperate to prevent anti-social actors from using information technologies based on ever-improving new AI capabilities
In December 2021, the International Center for Social and Political Studies and Consulting published the report “
Experts on the Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence and Challenges to International Psychological Security
”, penned by this author. This report stems from the implementation...
The joint U.S.–Russia draft resolution on international information security is a new milestone on the path towards establishing an international regime for information security
The first committee of the 76
session of the UN General Assembly has adopted a draft resolution on international information ...
The decision to launch consultations on information security is an important achievement that allows Moscow and Washington to start looking for mutually acceptable ways to arrive at more stable relations
One particular outcome of the Russia–U.S. summit was that bilateral consultations on ...
Interview with Dr. Daniel Stauffacher, Founder and President of ICT4Peace
On March 12, 2021, the United Nations
a UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) report on the Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security. We asked Dr.
Daniel Stauffacher
, Founder and President of ICT4Peace, to tell us about the current UN-led work on cyber security issues, ICT4Peace engagement in the OEWG proceedings and the ways to improve UN negotiation...
... convocation for 2021–2025.
A Victory for Diplomacy
Anastasia Tolstukhina:
Two Cyber Resolutions Are Better Than None
Andrey Krutskikh, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on Issues of International Cooperation in the Field of Information Security,
the adoption of the report “a triumphant success for the Russian diplomacy,” while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lauded the significance of the moment in its
official commentary
To better understand why the adoption ...
Governments demand that global internet platforms step up the fight against extremist and terrorist content
One of the most recent trends to appear in internet governance is the tightening of control over online content. And it was China and Russia that set the wheels for this in motion. The trend has extended across the globe – just look at the impressive list of states that supported the
Christchurch Call to Action
to eradicate terrorist and violent extremist online content. France, the United...
The seminar was devoted to the analysis of challenges to the information spaces of Russia and the UK, the rules of conduct in the information space, and media codes in Russia and the UK, the development of social networks and their influence, the creation, spread and effects of fake news in both countries
On January 20, 2020, in Moscow, RIAC held the final workshop of the bilateral Russia-UK security project. The project started in 2016 and completed its fourth cycle on January 20, 2020. RIAC partner...
... attribution of cyberattacks, strengthening cooperation and trust between states in the use of ICT, etc.
Particular emphasis in the discussion was made on the latest achievements of Russian diplomacy at the United Nations platform in the area of international information security (IIS).
Timur Makhmutov, RIAC Deputy Director of Programs, and Anastasia Tolstukhina, RIAC Program Assistant, represented Russian International Affairs Council at the event, giving comments on the prospects of the UN track in IIS provisioning....
... believe, in the sincerity of the revived fears in the West about Russia’s information influence.
Ironically, the growing focus of the United States on information influence leads to a convergence of the U.S. and Russian approaches to international information security. For years, the
fundamental difference
between the two sides was that the United States viewed cybersecurity in the strict sense of network security, software security and information protection, whereas Russia was additionally concerned ...