Search: International cooperation (35 materials)


Project Globalization 2.0: RIAC Delegation Meets Italian Educators

On March 24, 2015, RIAC Director General Andrey Kortunov , RIAC Member Andrey Melville , Head of Political Science Department at Higher School of Economics and manager of RIAC project " Globalization 2.0: New Approaches to Teaching and Research ", and RIAC Program Manager Tatiana Bogdasarova were in Rome at the Italian Foreign Ministry club to hold talks with Rector of Venice International University Ambassador Umberto Vattani , Ambassador Laura Mirachian of the Universita degli Studi...


Higher Education for Greater Europe: Opportunities and Prospects

On February 10, 2014, Russian International Affairs Council held seminar "Higher Education for Greater Europe: Jean Monnet Program for Russian Universities" co-sponsored by Erasmus Plus Russian National Office and moderated by RIAC Program Director Ivan Timofeev. In his opening remarks, RIAC Director General Andrey Kortunov stressed that today educational projects on partnership and practices' exchange are obtaining special importance as they work to uphold ties between countries. The...


Time for Universities to Step In

... we are, regrettably, witnessing pose a serious challenge to the current approach to international interaction, be it in the global financial and lending system, and in education and research systems – in which universities act as key drivers of international cooperation. In a crisis of confidence, it is academic corporations that can and must act as the generators of a new quality in international cooperation, setting a positive agenda. Conflicts and universities Every conflict is invariably ...


Timothy O'Connor: Learning to Study Is the Key

... education is an instrument of soft power; if the Bologna system has become naturalized in Russia; how the mega-grants program contributes to the development of science; and whether a “cooling of relations” is affecting the development of international cooperation in the fields of science and education. What are the key competencies that make an individual competitive nowadays? What approaches make a company competitive? What role does education play in acquiring these competencies and ...


Only Together We Can Stop Ebola

... Director of the African Centre for Human Security, Peace and Sustainable Development (Nigeria) and Tity Agbahey , Junior Fellow from the Institute for Security Studies (Senegal) express their view with this respect. Ebola Virus Disease: A Call for International Cooperation Okolo Ben Simon, Executive Director, African Centre for Human Security, Peace and Sustainable Development (AFRISDEV) . When in March 2014 in ‘faraway’ Guinea, West Africa, the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) claimed its ...


South-South Cooperation: Stronger Together

Interview with Denis Degteryov South-South Cooperation is a term used to denote assistance that developing countries give to one another. Developing countries are quick to point out, however, that this kind of cooperation is qualitatively different from the traditional paradigm whereby developed countries that are members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee provide assistance to poorer nations. Denis Degteryov , Ph.D. (Economics), Head of Department of the Theory and History of International...


The Arctic Economic Council kicks off in Iqaluit: development for the people of the North?

The Arctic Economic Council (AEC) is a new independent body established between the members of the Arctic Council (AC), the eight Arctic states, and the six Indigenous Peoples Organizations appointed Permanent Participants. The newly established AEC held its first meeting between September 1st and 3rd in Iqaluit, Canada. “Development for the people of the North” The AEC is meant to foster sustainable development by supporting economic development, environmental protection, and...


Russia and Nicaragua: Together Again?

Vladimir Putin’s Latin American tour last July deserved the large amount of attention it received, among other things because of the last-minute change of itinerary to include a stop over in Nicaragua. The mystery of the schedule alteration was only later solved by the fact that there had been an earlier invitation from Daniel Ortega. In all, the visit was quite productive judging by the documents signed. The Post-Conflict Syndrome Nicaragua is still one of the poorest countries in the subcontinent...


Between Yellowknife and Crimea: towards a security dilemma?

The Arctic Council diplomats gathered in Yellowknife, Canada, from the 25th to the 27th of March to discuss high-level political issues concerning the Arctic. The work of the Arctic Council continues, but the echo of the events that occurred in Crimea cannot be ignored. How is Arctic cooperation responding to this unprecedented crisis in Russian-Western relations? What will happen to Arctic cooperation? Is the rise of tension leading to a security dilemma? The Yellowknife meeting The Senior...


Helsinki+40 Project: RIAC, GMF and OSCE PA Meet in Washington

On April 10, 2014 representatives of RIAC, the German Marshall Fund and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly met in Washington, DC to discuss the future of the Helsinki+40 project and preparation for the roundtables to take place in Washington, Moscow and Copenhagen. The gathering was attended by RIAC President Igor Ivanov, RIAC Director General Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Program Manager Natalia Evtikhevich, RIAC expert and MGIMO-University Professor Andrey Zagorsky, GMF Senior Vice President Ivan Vejvoda...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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