It would be difficult to say there was a breakthrough at the Arctic Council biennial session of the eight member-states’ foreign ministers, which took place on 24-25 April 2015. Some had earlier hastened to describe it almost as a failure.
Firstly, Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov did not go ...
What should Russia expect from the US Chairmanship in the context of the ongoing sanctions pressure?
On April 24-25, 2015, the 9th Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council took place in Iqaluit, Nunavut in the north of Canada. The meeting marked the end of Canada’s Arctic Council Chairmanship and the start of the US Chairmanship. Russian delegations at such events have been traditionally led by Foreign ...
At a meeting in Canada on April 23, 2015 the United States will assume chairmanship of the Arctic Council for 2015-2017. These are difficult times for the Arctic, and for the Arctic Council in particular. After the previous five years of dynamic growth of cooperation, the Arctic region is faced with the problems of geopolitical rivalry between ...
... these problems? Professor
Vincent F.Gallucci
, director for the Centre for Canadian Arctic studies at the University of Washington in Seattle, Fishery’s science and policy expert shares his views with RIAC.
In April 2015 the chairmanship of the Arctic Council goes to the USA. What are the main difficulties the U.S. is likely to face? How does the USA account for the climate change program in the Arctic region?
The U.S. views climate change as a major problem both in the Arctic and outside it....
... Ocean, as last February, the five littoral states agreed on a roadmap for drawing up the final document, although the aggravated Russia-West relationship has put off the practical steps until times improve.
Andrey Zagorsky
The working groups of the Arctic Council have also been quite active on scientific cooperation, the action plan or some other framework for preventing oil spills (in addition to the 2013 accords on the prevention of marine oil pollution), as well as on measures for major cuts ...
The Arctic Economic Council (AEC) is a new independent body established between the members of the Arctic Council (AC), the eight Arctic states, and the six Indigenous Peoples Organizations appointed Permanent Participants. The newly established AEC held its first meeting between September 1st and 3rd in Iqaluit, Canada.
“Development for ...
Alexander Vylegzhanin, Alexander Sergunin, Valeriy Konyshev and Pavel Gudev
On April 15, 2014 Canada said it would boycott an upcoming meeting of the Arctic Council in Moscow. Minister Leona Aglukkaq said the decision was part of the sanctions imposed by Canada on Russia because of the events in Ukraine. RIAC experts
Alexander Vylegzhanin
Alexander Sergunin
(St Petersburg State University),...
... Military and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary. He has researched extensively on Arctic policy and defense. He doesn’t rule out the possibility of escalating tensions in the Arctic. The latest news of Canada’s boycott of the Arctic Council meeting in Moscow confirms this picture.
Relations with Russia have reached a level of tension without precedents. Still, the Arctic is considered as one of the most fruitful field of international cooperation. How do you think Russia’s ...
The Arctic Council diplomats gathered in Yellowknife, Canada, from the 25th to the 27th of March to discuss high-level political issues concerning the Arctic. The work of the Arctic Council continues, but the echo of the events that occurred in Crimea cannot ...
The U.S. is going to chair the Arctic Council in 2015. This prospect, together with the current open confrontation in Ukraine, raises some questions concerning the future of U.S.-Russia cooperation in the Arctic. We asked Pavel Gudev, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World ...