... current talk is the Transport, Logistics and Production Outlook for the Arctic Offshore Exploration: An International Perspective.
This lecture is, if anything, practical in nature as I will be using case studies to demonstrate the tools and prospects for international cooperation in Arctic shelf development.
Outline of the oil and gas resource potential
To begin with, I would like to give you a broad outline of the oil and gas resource potential of the Barents and Kara seas. Over the past 30 years, dozens ...
The U.S. is going to chair the Arctic Council in 2015. This prospect, together with the current open confrontation in Ukraine, raises some questions concerning the future of U.S.-Russia cooperation in the Arctic. We asked Pavel Gudev, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about the agenda for the upcoming years.
In the current situation, bilateral relations between the U.S. and Russia run the risk of becoming...
Does the Commonwealth Have a Future?
The Commonwealth of Nations has been in a constant process of change since its establishment. Facing numerous internal crises and challenges, it has been reshaping its structure, goals and purposes. Today the Commonwealth is looking at yet another crisis: having assumed the role of the defender of democratic principles and human rights it seems unable to cope with its current objectives. The reasons for the Commonwealth’s recent failures are down to its...
The term roadmap has become commonplace in English and even in other languages, Russian included, as it suggests the possession of a plan and paths to guide one through complex, often confusing, surroundings. Due to its seeming simplicity and unobtrusive appearance, this phrase – originally the lone preserve of diplomats and diplomacy – has been rapidly conquering other realms of human activity, in part, because it works to balance out complicated content. And it was not long before this...
... cooperation is a must to face new and old challenges. As a matter of fact, even if the Arctic states aim at strengthening their rights and their uncontested influence on the management of the Arctic, the Arctic agenda calls for a unitary strategy of international cooperation. The prospect of new navigable routes in the Central Arctic Ocean shows how cooperation will be in everyone's interest. The international legal framework provided by the 1982 Convention on the Law of theSea set out a framework ...
... international partners, among them RAS Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), International Maritime Law Association, The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Center for Strategic and International Studies. The event was primarily focused on international cooperation of the Arctic states in the region.
The Conference was opened by Arthur Chilingarov, Special Representative of the President for International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic,
Anton Vasilyev
, Russian Envoy to the Arctic ...
... paramount. Since the economic and political interests of Russia, the United States, Canada, Denmark, and Norway, all of which are Arctic states, as well as that of numerous EU and Pacific countries overlap, the solutions will largely hinge on the nature of international cooperation.
Russia boasts a unique geopolitical position in the Arctic, as it seems no regional matter of any significance can be dealt with without Moscow's active engagement and support. Russia covers almost a half the territory and waters ...
... International Conference on “
The Arctic: Region of Development and Cooperation
”. The event is endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
The Conference is held in line with RIAC long-term project
Roadmap for International Cooperation in the Arctic
, aimed at promoting the development strategy of the Russian Arctic and preserving its unique environment on the basis of international cooperation.
At the beginning of December this year RIAC will release an
annual ...
2013 Report
2013 Report #12
The report continues work held in line with the “Roadmap for International Cooperation in the Arctic” project organized by the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). The report covers the results of international cooperation in the Arctic region in 2013.
The authors focused on four basic areas of cooperation: ...
On November 27, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, hosted the Annual Conference of Rectors and Pro-Rectors on International Cooperation, the main platform used to provide coordination and streamline long-term financial support for increasing efforts of Russian universities and appropriate agencies on the world market of education and research services.
The event ...