... politicians most versed in Lebanese realities.
What Happened?
You don't have to immerse yourself in the finer points of relationships between the Lebanese political elite to realize that unilateral nomination of a presidential candidate made outside of Lebanon, backed by political support from abroad, and without informing key political partners, can appear alarming. The leader of the "March 14" alliance and the informal leader of the Al-Mustaqbal party 'Saad Hariri offered the presidency ...
It will soon be a year that Lebanon has been without a president. The members of parliament, who under the constitution have to elect the president by a two-thirds majority in the first round, have been unable to do so because the supporters of the main candiates (above all Michel ...
Evolution of fight against ISIS strategy
A threat at a regional level, Islamic extremism is making new attempts to sweep through Lebanon – a country that continues to keep a fragile ethnic and confessional balance, albeit with varying degrees of success. Having survived the Arab Spring, Lebanese society is now being confronted with the difficult task of resisting jihadists ...
Eight months of continuous presidential vacuum are placing Lebanon on high alert. The absence of a president means that the constitution is being violated and substituted by minimal consensus among political players to keep the government working. Political negotiations through democratic institutions among conflicting ...