Search: Serbia (33 materials)


Serbia Becomes Europe

The US visit by Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic must be considered primarily in the context of the Individual Partnership Action Plan between the Republic of Serbia and NATO), signed in January 2015. This comprehensive document established a framework for the ...


Final Helsinki+40 Seminar Held in Belgrade

... was attended by Chairman of the OSCE PA Helsinki +40 Project Joao Soares, Secretary General of the OSCE PA Spencer Oliver, President of the OSCE PA Ilkka Kanerva, President, Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence Sonja Licht, Head of the Delegation of Serbia to the OSCE PA Dijana Vukomanović, Ambassador to OSCE Mission to Serbia Peter Burkhard, RIAC Member Andrey Zagorsky, MGIMO Professor, RIAC Program Manager Natalia Evtikhevich, Helsinki+40 OSCE PA Coordinator Maria Chepurina, as well as experts ...


Moving Towards New Meanings. 9 May in the Balkans

... Soviet War Veterans, both on Mount Avala. Ceremonies are held at the Monument to the Liberators of Belgrade and the Fallen Soldiers Memorial. In the evening, modest yet festive fireworks are held at Kalemegdan, an ancient fortress at the heart of the Serbian capital. However, across almost the entire Balkan Peninsula, the May 9 holiday does not occupy an important place in the calendar . It is a working day in all Balkan nations (except the Republic of Serbia), and a recognized public holiday in ...


Balkans Come to the Fore

... of NATO expansion has once again been put on the agenda. There has been talk recently about possible membership for three states located on the Balkan Peninsula. In addition, it just came out that Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay a visit to Serbia on October 16, 2014. Does this event signify that the Balkans will return to the center of international attention? Alexander Pivovarenko, Research Associate of the RAS Institute of Slavonic Studies and RIAC expert, shares his insights on the situation....


The Catastrophe of 1914: Russia's Choice

... diplomatic efforts for resolving the crisis. Russia at a Crossroads Russia suggested that the great powers jointly consider the matter in order to find a compromise, while the situation required some time and the Austria-Hungary government limited the Serbians to only 48 hours to respond. In this most complicated environment, Russia was forced to make the decisions that determined the future of the conflict. The ultimatum presented by Austria-Hungary to Serbia on July 23, 2014 ruled out meeting demands ...


Modern Russia in the Modern Balkans: Soft Power through Investment

... established a special relationship with each country in the region, which we will try to describe as we identify Russia’s place in the Balkans today. The six republics of the former Yugoslavia analyzed in this paper can be divided into three groups. Serbia, which has historically enjoyed a “special relationship” with Russia, can undoubtedly be called a traditional Russian partner . Montenegro can be placed in the same category, but with certain reservations. The nature of investment ...


Elections in Serbia 2014 - Options without Choice

Elections in Serbia 2014 - Options without Choice It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. Joseph Stalin Immediately after the release of the first relevant ...


The South Stream and Energy Security in South East Europe Part II

..., work hard, strike oil. J. Paul Getty The Oil and petroleum product Trading Company was founded on 1947. The establishment of the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Company, the predecessor of today’s NIS, was in many ways significant for Serbia half a century. Through the nationalisation and acquisition of existing small-scale petroleum storage facilities and the construction of new ones, a network of storage facilities was created. This prepared the grounds for a future distribution ...


The South Stream and Energy Security in South East Europe Part I

... participation in the project was signed on 18 January 2008 and ratified by Bulgarian Parliament on 25 July 2008. It was agreed to set up an equally owned company to build and operate the Bulgarian section of the pipeline. The first agreement between Russia and Serbia was signed even before announcement of the South Stream project. On 20 December 2006, Gazprom and Serbian state-owned gas company Srbijagas agreed to conduct a study on building a gas pipeline running from Bulgaria to Serbia. On 25 January 2008,...


Military and Security aspect of the Kosovo crisis Part II

... Henry A. Kissinger The biggest struggle that will need to be done is to keep KSF story within NATO to stop it become Kosovo Army. In the current situation, potential Kosovo army, can not be compared to the capacity and strength of the Army of Serbia, which is perhaps the strongest in the region and capable of defending the country from a much larger threat. Albania as first neighbour, dont has a large military facility through which could significantly raise the capacity of the Kosovo army,...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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