Search: AI (40 materials)


Artificial Intelligence: Time of the Weak

Current Status, International Trends, Myths and Prospects of AI Application Introduction The term “artificial intelligence (AI) normally denotes a computer program, i.e. an algorithm , that is capable of solving problems which an adult human brain can solve. The International Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence ...


Why China Will Win the Artificial Intelligence Race

... future. One will be based on logic, smart enterprises and human merit while the other may morph into an Orwellian control tool. Even former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has foreseen a bifurcation of the Internet by 2028 and China’s eventual triumph in the AI race by 2030 . In the meantime, the US seems more interested in deflecting the smart questions of today than in building the smart factories of tomorrow. Nothing embodies this better than the recent attempt by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial ...


AI Nationalism and AI Nationalization Are ahead

“Artificial Intelligence” (AI) as the key factor in economic, geopolitical and military power of the coming decades AI as a Geopolitical Factor Technological inequality has always had a major impact on global politics and the world economy. The most technologically advanced states ...


Close Encounters of the Third Millennium

... Autonomous Systems has already Begun On September 6–7, 2018 the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute ( SIPRI ) and the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations ( CICIR ) held a joint conference in Beijing on the impact of AI technologies and autonomous systems on nuclear safety and strategic stability. This is the second event held as part of the two-year SIPRI research project, which is aimed at studying the impact of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence technologies ...


RIAC at SIPRI and CICIR Conference on Mapping the Impact of Machine Learning and Autonomy on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk

... Research Institute ( SIPRI ) and China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations ( CICIR ) on Mapping the Impact of Machine Learning and Autonomy on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk. Experts from Russia, China, the United States, France, Britain, Japan, South Korea, India, and Pakistan, attended the event to discuss the possible impact of machine learning technologies, autonomous systems, and artificial intelligence on the development of weapons and the possibility of their use in conflicts....


A Brave New World without Work

As Strong Artificial Intelligence continues to develop, so does the range of jobs it can do What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the soon-to-come widespread introduction of robots and artificial intelligence (AI)? Endless queues of people waiting to get unemployment benefits? Skynet drones ploughing the sky over burnt-out slums? Or the opposite: idleness and equality provided by the labour of mechanical slaves? In all likelihood the reality will be less flashy,...


China Missed the Industrial Revolution, But It Won’t Miss the Digital One

... telecommunications networks, and the manufacturing of robots. In 2016, the State Council published its Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting the Internet Plus Action Plan. The document prioritizes artificial intelligence, along with big data, blockchain, and machine learning, for a state strategy aimed at accelerating the use of information and communication technologies for the development of the smart industry. Why has China become so serious about developing artificial intelligence? Artificial ...


The Ethical and Legal Issues of Artificial Intelligence

... intended by their creators. This causes a number of ethical and legal difficulties that we will touch upon in this article. Ethics and Artificial Intelligence There is a well-known thought experiment in ethics called the trolley problem. The experiment raises a number of important ethical issues that are directly related to artificial intelligence. Imagine a runaway trolley going down the railway lines. There are five people tied to the track ahead. You are standing next to a lever. If you pull it, the ...


How to Create Good AI?

How can we teach the AI the right values? We call the AI applications that we see today “narrow AI” because the range of tasks they are able to perform is very limited. Essentially, all the heuristics of the AI are “stored” in the brains of the human researchers ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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