... number of state and non-stateactors are joining the queue of those who want to have a say in the management of theArctic. These elements call for at least two considerations concerning the futureprospect of Arctic cooperation. Strong leadership of the Arctic Council First of all, the Arctic policy is and will be in the hand of the Arctic states, as set out bythe legal framework regulating the Arctic. In this respect, the Arctic Council ministerialmeeting held in Kiruna in May 2013 clearly set out the ...
On February 25, 2014 Northern (Arctic) Federal University opened an international Winter School “
Model Arctic Council
” (MAC) aimed to reproduce the activities of the Arctic states within the Council. The participants included master’s degree holders and post-graduate students from the University and its U.S., Norwegian, Swedish and Canadian ...
... in the field of the Arctic exploration
, thus trying to acquire concessions on fishing quotas. In particular, Reykjavik has planned to render all-around assistance to the EU in the latter’s striving for a permanent observer status in the Arctic Council. Given the considerable interest that Brussels had displayed to the region since the fall of 2007, the initiative was relevant. However, in practical terms, Icelandic efforts to become the champion of the EU interests were clearly late....
... the Arctic is stable, structured and crucially relatively predictable in regards to its future. As other speakers took to the podium, many referred to it as being a test bed, or even a greenfield project, which can be then reapplied elsewhere.
The Arctic Council – Talk, But No Action?
The Arctic Council (AC) is a high-level intergovernmental forum that tackles issues faced by the states and indigenous people of the region. Its official role is to foster sustainable development and enhance ...
Rules of the game for newcomers to the Arctic Council
Last May, the Eighth Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council was held in Kiruna (Sweden), with its main event the approval of a group of six states as
permanent observers
. China, which has demonstrated its willingness to participate ...
On May 29, Russian International Affairs Council held working conference “Regional Cooperation in the Arctic: the Arctic Council”, a follow-up to discussions for preparation of the annual report on international cooperation in the Arctic Region.
The event was attended by representatives of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Research Institute for ...