“Artificial Intelligence” (AI) as the key factor in economic, geopolitical and military power of the coming decades
AI as a Geopolitical Factor
Technological inequality has always had a
major impact on global politics and the world economy. The most ...
The Arms Race in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems has already Begun
On September 6–7, 2018 the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (
) and the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (
) held a joint
... Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk.
Experts from Russia, China, the United States, France, Britain, Japan, South Korea, India, and Pakistan, attended the event to discuss the possible impact of machine learning technologies, autonomous systems, and artificial intelligence on the development of weapons and the possibility of their use in conflicts.
As a result of the conference, joint recommendations were developed to reduce the risk of escalation of relations between nuclear powers and to prevent ...
As Strong Artificial Intelligence continues to develop, so does the range of jobs it can do
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the soon-to-come widespread introduction of robots and artificial intelligence (AI)? Endless queues of ...
The country's leadership is trying to heed the lessons of the past so as not to miss the historic chance of leading the digital revolution
In 2016, artificial intelligence defeated a professional player at Go for the first time. The
program, developed by
, first beat three-time European Champion Fan Hui, and a short while later bested Korean Lee Sedol, considered to be one of the ...
Systems that use artificial intelligence technologies are becoming increasingly autonomous in terms of the complexity of the tasks they can perform, their potential impact on the world and the diminishing ability of humans to understand, predict and control their functioning....
The largest artificial intelligence (AI) forum in Russia — the OpenTalks.AI 2.0 conference — took place in Moscow from the 7th and 9th of February. Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) co-organized the session “Artificial Intelligence and Global Security” ...