Report №7 / 2012
The Roadmap’s purpose is to outline the sequence and substance of the Russian Federation’s engagement with external partners (governments and international organizations) in vital areas of international cooperation in the Arctic in 2012–2018.
These proposals are intended to promote Russia’s interests via effective international cooperation in the region. The Roadmap covers legal, institutional, environmental, natural resource, transportation,...
International Cooperation in the Transport Sector
Due to its vast hydrocarbon reserves and the greater role played by fundamental factors determining political and energy security, many industrialized states regard the Arctic as a key strategic region....
The conference on «
International Cooperation in Times of Global Crisis: Views from G20 countries
» organized by the New Economic School (NES), the Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales (CEPII), Bruegel and the National Research ...
... countries. Industrial development of the Arctic region entails an intensive exploitation of its mineral resources, transport development and biological resources production. Given a special vulnerability of the harsh Arctic nature, there is a need for international cooperation, analysis of and actions to conserve, to the greatest extent possible, the natural habitat. This also necessitates development and implementation of a rational multi-product environmentally-balanced model of sustainable environmental ...
... the oil and gas production drop in its traditional extracting territories, Russia’s continental shelf in the Arctic is currently seen as a key component of economy. World experience in the implementation of hydrocarbon projects indicates that international cooperation in the development of the Arctic fields may generate huge multiplication effect. What kind of strategy should Russia take in its Artic exploits and interaction with foreign partners?
International Cooperation on the Continental ...