Search: Migration (119 materials)


European Experts on European Experience of Integrating Migrants

... European experts Hans Dietrich Von Loeffelholz, Teresa Albano, Patrick Simon, and Tiina Salmio. In your opinion, what are the most efficient practices of integrating migrants into community? Hans Dietrich Von Loeffelholz, Chief economist, Head of Economic Migration and Integration Research, Federal Bureau for Migration and Refugees (Germany) : As I am German, I would like to draw from Germany’s successful example of integration as far as labor markets and educational system are concerned. There are certain ...


Proposals for Russia’s Migration Strategy through 2035

... socioeconomics, demographics and migra­tion. The unfavourable demographic trends and the declining and ageing of the pop­ulation were partially offset by an influx of temporary and permanent migrants from other post-Soviet states, but numerous errors in the migration policy led to a decrease in Russia’s migration attractiveness, turning migration into a source of social tension and an instrument of political infighting. The errors were caused, among other things, by the lack of a migration strategy and ...


Integrating Migrants in the Interests of Security and Development

... As a result, Europe has found itself split in two under pressure of incoming refugees from Africa and the Middle East. Voices advocating help for those who are fleeing war are increasingly eclipsed by popularity-seeking politicians demanding a cap on migration and auguring the onset of chaos and terror for Europe. Patrick Taran: Migration, Globalization and Economic Viability: Challenges and Opportunities for Russia & Eurasia This securitization of migration is equally a feature of Russia. Natives ...


EU Migrant Crisis: A Blast From The Past

... Union’s summit at the height of the crisis two years ago. Asylum seekers have since flooded Western Europe like Hurricane Harvey in Texas. The news about the court ruling vividly illustrates the current state of the EU and thus merits a closer analysis. Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary and Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia Firstly , we are talking about illegal migrants from Africa and the Middle East. Would-be migrants in the rest of the world (including Russia) ...


Immigration Divided the USA

... his predecessor, Barack Obama, did. He has already issued more than 20 presidential executive orders and memorandums, and all of them are as controversial as the 45th US president is himself. Among them all the executive order “Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements” stands out, which literally divided America. To understand how seriously this decree has excited the public of both the United States and many other countries of the world, it is enough just to look at the statements ...


RIAC Holds a Second Expert Meeting on Russia’s Migration Strategy

On February 20 th , 2017 a second expert meeting on the elaboration of Russia’s migration strategy in the framework of the joint project of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) took place at the RIAC. During the first discussion of the strategy hold on November 14 th , 2016 ...


Migration Crisis: International Cooperation and National Strategies

Policy Brief #10, 2016 Migration has moved to the top of the global political agenda in recent times. The unprecedented influx of refugees to Europe, on the one hand, and the high rate of South–North economic migration on the other, have led to sharp political and public ...


Dmitry Poletaev: Up to 50% of Migrants in Russia Are Illegal

Almost two years have passed since Eurasian Economic Union started functioning, which allows drawing certain conclusions. Dmitry Poletaev, Director at the Center for Migration Studies, shared his opinion on the changes in the area of migration during this period with RIAC editing team. In your opinion, how has the EAEU establishment benefitted countries benefitted the migrants from the Union’s countries? Has their ...


Winter Is Coming: Norway Is Building a Wall to Halt the Flow of Migrants

... Norway has changed its attitude to migrants? Should we expect that Norway will refuse to accept migrants in the future? Anders Kjellevold : As in the rest of Europe, the refugee crisis has affected the political climate in Norway. The increase in immigration has generated much debate, and immigration is now a much more important issue for voters than it was just a few years ago. This has played to the benefit of The Progress Party, part of the ruling coalition together with the Conservative Party,...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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