... dissuades the strongest military power US (having all instruments of military deterrence) to take any military action. It is also using its nuclear capability claims, to threaten Japan and South Korea and blackmail the US to talk without preconditions.
Pakistan has also been using this Nuclear Blackmailing/Dissuasion Theory against India for quite some time. It acquired nuclear and missile capability from some country/countries, which must have violated NPT at that time, and the world community ...
A few months ago, Pakistan successfully managed to secure the membership of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) which is, undoubtedly, a significant accomplishment for the country. Credit must be given to the drivers of Pakistan’s foreign policy and owes to the multitude ...
... NSG despite the fact that NPT was not ratified by India. Firm proponents of NSG believe that Inclusion of non-signatory states may kill the very objective of the formation of this group. India is operating to secure the membership of that group so is Pakistan. Realism-the most dominated school of thought-implies that every state seeks to safeguards its interests. However, realists should not sell idealism as placebo while adopting the realism as operating paradigm. This especially refers to US which ...
On October 19, 2017, Russian International Affairs Council hosted a meeting with Dr.Zafar Iqbal Cheema, President of Strategic Vision Institute (Pakistan).
On October 19, 2017, Russian International Affairs Council hosted a meeting with Dr.Zafar Iqbal Cheema, President of Strategic Vision Institute (Pakistan).
The sides discussed the wide range of bilateral Russia-Pakistan relations, including ...
... scientific and technological, diasporic and other ties, including military exercises. Yet, the impression in India is that we have to make an effort to convince Russia that our rising engagement with the US is not at its expense. Russia’s overtures to Pakistan, especially in the military field, are construed in India as linked to our growing connection with the US. The evolution of Russia’s approach to Afghanistan and Pakistan/Taliban’s role in the search for a solution, and, in particular, statements ...
... president Trump effort to pass a joint declaration in order to condemn North Korea’s recent ICBM test.
Newly, the Pentagon alleged China and there was also a pop up in the main stream media indicating that China has stationed several thousand troops in Pakistan most probably at the Gwadar Port, in order to establish counter balance for America’s strategic partner India and America itself. Gwadar Port is a warm-water, deep-sea port situated on the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Baluchistan the socalled province ...
... exercises substantial leverage over Moscow’s foreign policy. China and Russia have exercised pragmatism in dealing with Indo-U.S. Axis and made India member of SCO in perhaps a hope that India may revert to its so-called policy of non-alignment.Pakistan believes that the simultaneous inclusion of Pakistan and India in SCO would help in bringing the two countries on the same table and in reducing the trust deficit between them. However, there is a misperception that because of the so-called Indo-U....
Some Beltway based experts on South Asia have either got their maths wrong or they are politically motivated in their fissile material stocks assessments about India and Pakistan. Their guesstimates portray Pakistan sporting the fastest growing nuclear arsenal in the world whereas even a layman view over the developments in the triad of means being developed by India shows that the country should develop large stockpiles ...
... agreeable mechanism to pursue it and consider putting a ban on nuclear testing a step towards chasing this wild goose, which is why there is considerable confusion whether pursuit of CTBT is a non-proliferation or disarmament measure. This view from the Pakistan-India subcontinent is an examination of CTBT in disarmament context. Indian Approach towards Nuclear Test BanThe quest for nuclear disarmament dates back to 1940s. Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru proposed the idea of standstill agreement ...
... unlikely in the near future. Also, I am an Indian, so I am obviously biased towards India. However, for the purpose of this answer, I will try to stick more with facts and less with assumption about why I think India would have an upper hand in an India-Pakistan war. I do agree with Devika Dwivedi and Sajal Jain in their respective arguments. Additionally, here's what I think will work in India's favor - 1. Military: India has a clearly larger military with access to more defense reserves, budgets and ...