On November 18, 2014 in Washington, DC, the German Marshall Fund of the United States held seminar “
Helsinki+40: the Significance for Transatlantic Relations
”, the second one in the series initiated by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly within
project “Helsinki+40.”
Last September, a similar event
took place in Moscow
. The Washington session was attended by GMF President Karen Donfreid, OSCE PA President Ilkka Kanerva, Cochairman of “Helsinki+40” project Joao...
On November 6-7, 2014 in Tokyo, RIAC and the Tokyo Foundation held international conference "Russian-Japanese Strategic Dialogue."
Lead by Diplomacy Chair at MGIMO-University Ambassador
Alexander Panov
, the Russian team included Head of Oriental Studies Chair at MGIMO-University
Dmitry Streltsov
, Ambassador
Valery Sukhinin,
Deputy Director of MSU Institute for Asian and African Studies
Andrey Karneyev
, MGIMO-University Professor
Sergey Chugrov
, Guest Researcher of Hosai University...
RIAC Report #16
The dramatic developments in Ukraine in 2014 have once again demonstrated the relevance of the cooperative crisis management tools and mechanisms of the OSCE.
Issues of strengthening and reforming the OSCE are once again part of the European agenda.
The 40th anniversary of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe represents an important milestone in the development of the organization and provides an occasion for a frank discussion about the problems...
There’s Still Time to Prevent Chaos in World Politics
President Putin’s speech at the recent Valdai Club meeting in Sochi evoked a strong, and somewhat contradictory, reaction from both Russian and foreign observers. It was an extremely frank speech that touched upon a wide range of issues. Everyone who listened to the speech and the subsequent Q&A session seemed to hear only what they wanted to hear.
Some observers concluded that the Russian leader had lost all hope of re-establishing any...
On October 23, 2014, the Russian International Affairs Council received a delegation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (
) to hold an expert meeting on
Russian-Chinese Relations in the Ukraine Crisis Context
The Chinese side was represented by CPAFFC Secretary General Zhou Xinzheng, Director of CPAFFC Department for European Relations Zhao Jun, CPAFFC Council members Wu Dahui, Mo Zhaojie, Chen Bo, Chen Shijie, Kong Xiangzhi and Chan Hiu Tung, as...
The East Mediterranean is on the frontlines of a struggle for peace and economic development where Cyprus holds a central position of geographical and functional importance in terms of security, including energy security. The role of Cyprus in regional security as a host of military operations, including Afghanistan and Kuwait, and as the holder of the British sovereign bases have turned it into an indispensable partner of the West. The island has large expatriate populations from mainland Greece...
A Global Force
For a long time China's military rise had been overshadowed by its economic boom. But in recent years the country has achieved a qualitatively new level in its forces’ equipment and organization levels, with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) becoming a fully modern military entity able to wage a technologically advanced war and project force a great distance from China's borders.
Since the mid-2000s the Chinese armed forces have been undergoing a radical transformation, possibly...
... Ivanov and Dr. Kortunov presented RIAC's policy paper on the future of the OSCE prepared jointly with the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.A. and SIPRI, Sweden.
Dr. Ivanov also met Vice Chair-Designate of the Atlantic Council's Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security Ellen Tauscher to discuss cooperation of the two think tanks in 2015 and in the next years.
... Ambassador-at-Large
Anvar Azimov
and others.
The speakers agreed that the OSCE is one of the few organizations effective in crises and should remain an actor within practical politics. The "Helsinki+40" project is a platform for discussing international security and scenarios for building a new security architecture.
The seminar was part of the
OSCE PA project
timed to the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act and aimed at generating guidelines for the organization's future activities ...
... region may well become the next hot spot
For many months, the conflict in Ukraine and related sanctions have remained the key issue discussed by politicians, diplomats and journalists.
Alexei Fenenko
, leading research fellow at the RAS Institute of International Security Problems, shares his views on the impact of the sanctions on Russia and the potential resolution of the situation in eastern Ukraine as well as offers his vision on the most potentially dangerous conflict for Russia.
Today the whole ...