
Expert search
Alexander Antonov

Independent Expert

Dattesh Parulekar

Assistant Professor of International Relations and Strategic Studies, at the Department of International Relations, Goa University

Alexander Vasilyev

PhD in History, Deputy Dean of the MGIMO University

Yevgeny Nadorshin

Chief Economist; Advisor to the Minister for Economic Development of the Russian Federation MTS Bank

Dmitry Reutov

Post-graduate student in the Russia in the Asia-Pacific Region: Politics, Economy, Security international educational program at the Far Eastern State University

Alexander Pilyasov

Dr. of Geography, Professor of Economics, Head of the Center for Northern and Arctic Economies

Julia Melnikova

Ph.D. in Political Science, Program Manager at the Russian International Affairs Council

Andrey Devyatkov

PhD in History, senior research fellow, Center for Post-Soviet Studies, Institute of Economics, RAS; associate professor, Department of Regional Issues in Global Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Ilya Komarov

Postgraduate at RAS Institute of World Economy and International Relations

Екатерина Деминцева

К.и.н., заведующая Центром истории и культурной антропологии Института Африки РАН, эксперт РСМД

Leonid Karabeshkin

PhD in Political Science, Research Centre for International and Regional Politics (Saint-Petersburg), Project Coordinator, Euroacademy (Tallinn), professor

Nikolai Murashkin

PhD Student, East Asian Studies, University of Cambridge

Anatoly Torkunov

Rector of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the RF MFA, RAS Full Member, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation

Alexander Shaparov

D.Sc. (politics), Professor, North (Arctic) Federal University

Eugeny Kozhokin

Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Area Studies of the Institute of History and Archives of RSUH, RIAC member.

Larisa Derizlazova

Doctor in History, Professor at Department of world politics, Tomsk State University

Kirill Semenov

Political scientist, independent expert on Middle East conflicts, Islamic movements and terrorist organizations

Timur Aliev

Ph.D. in Economic Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for International Economics and Finance, IDIP RFTA; Senior Research Fellow, Russian Center for APEC Studies, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Stanislav Pritchin

PhD in History, Research fellow of the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies

Arif Asalyoglu

General Director, International Institute for the Development of Scientific Cooperation (MIRNaS)

Wolfgang Zellner

PhD. in Political Science, Deputy Director of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and Head of the IFSH’s Centre
for OSCE Research (CORE)

Ilya Vedeneev

PhD. in History, Research Fellow, Center for Middle East Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

Vladimir Chizhov

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the European Union

Carolijn van Noort

PhD Candidate, University of Otago, New Zealand

Alexander Pivovarenko

Ph.D. in History, Senior Research Associate, RAS Institute of Slavonic Studies

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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