
Expert search
Денис Федутинов

Главный редактор профильного издания «Беспилотная авиация»

Andrey Frolov

Ph.D. in History

Venkatesh Varma

Former Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Russian Federation

Nina Borevskaya

Doctor of History, RAS Institute for Far Eastern Studies, member of the Governing Board of the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning

Nikita Mendkovich

Expert on Afghanistan and Central Asian Countries

Mikhail Fedotov

Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Faculty of Law, HSE University, RIAC Member

Eugeny Kozhokin

Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Area Studies of the Institute of History and Archives of RSUH, RIAC member.

Anastasia Turkina

Director of Center for International and European Law, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Cornel Ciurea

Political scientist, Moldova

Simon Marginson

Professor of Higher Education at the University of Oxford, Director of the ESRC/OFSRE Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), Editor-in-Chief of Higher Education, Professorial Associate of the Melbourne Centre for Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne, and Lead Researcher at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow

Sergei Melkonian

PhD, Applied Policy Research Institute of Armenia (APRI Armenia)

Pavel Zolotarev

PhD in Technical Sciences, retired Major General

Saud al-Sarhan

Secretary-General of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies

Mikhail Skovoronskikh

MA, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

Daniil Rastegaev

RIAC Publishing Editor

Yuriy Kulintsev

Deputy Director of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies (IFES) Russian Academy of Sciences

Romain Pradier

Dual Master in International Public Management (Sciences Po Paris) and International Security (MGIMO)

Alexander Akimov

Doctor of Economics, Head of Department of Economic Research, RAS Institute for Oriental Studies

Dmitriy Suslov

Deputy Director of the Centre for comprehensive European and international studies, Deputy Director of research programs at the Council on foreign and defense policy. Member of the RIAC.

Ikhtiyar Aslanov

Head of the ICRC Regional Delegation for the Russian Federation and Belarus

Natalia Travkina

PhD in Politics, Center for Domestic Policy Research at RAS Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies

Yury Osipov

Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Vladimir Mau

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), professor, RIAC Member

Daniil Parenkov

Deputy Head, Department of Political Theory, MGIMO University

Pavel Sharikov

Ph.D. in Political Science, Director of the Applied Research Center and Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of World Politics at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Alexey Ilin

Master of International Affairs (Texas A&M University, 2015)

Svetoslav Stoyanov

Expert on Development Assistace

Sudha Ramachandran

Independent journalist and researcher

Herman Gref

President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia

Pyotr Iskenderov

PhD in History, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Science

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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