Researcher, Junior Research Fellow at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Senior Lecturer at Asian and African Studies from Moscow State University
Doctor of Political Science, Head of the Regional Research Department of Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences
Director of the Department for Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, RIAC Member
PhD (Political Science), Leading Researcher, Head, Centre for Sociological and Political Sciences Studies, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Research Fellow, Russian Institute of Strategic Studies (RISS)
Dr. of Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow RAS INION, Professor, MGIMO University, Professor, Higher School of Economics, Honorary President, Russian Political Science Association
Journalist for The New York Observer, Founder/Director of Deepcor Media Former communications director of the Himalayan Consensus - an NGO based in Kathmandu, Nepal
Director of Inter-ethnic relations Department of Ministry of Regional Development of Russia
Director of Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industry Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Professor
Doctor of History, Professor at MGIMO-University
D.Sc. in Law, Professor, Department of European Law, MGIMO University; Professor, Institute of Management and Territorial Development, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Program Manager at the Russian International Affairs Council
Former First Deputy Chief of the Military Science Department, Russian Armed Forces General Staff
Director of the Center for Post-Soviet Studies at the MGIMO University, 2nd Class Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Doctor of History
Aide to the President of the Russian Federation
Postgraduate student, MGIMO University
PhD in History, expert at the Institute of Strategic Estimates and Analysis, Assistant Professor at the Higher School of Economics
Founder and Chairman, CeNext Consulting Group, New Delhi
Doctor of History, Professor, Chief Researcher, IMEMO RAS
Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs of Georgia, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, former Chairman of the National Security Council of Georgia
RIAC Publishing Editor
Chair of the Iran Section, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor at the Department of World Economy, MGIMO University
Dr. of Political Science, Director Research Center, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor at the Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Vice President of the Russian International Affairs Council, Executive Vice President of Etalon Group
Subject Matter Expert on Islamic Extremism, and cultures, tribes, and sects of the Middle East and Central Asia, Cultural Intelligence Consultant for a private U.S. firm
Analyst in charge of Former Soviet Union and Balkans Desk at Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Internazionali
Dr. of Economics, Head of the Sector of Economics of Science and Innovative Processes RAS Institute of World Economy and International Relations
Doctor of History, Professor, Ural Federal University
Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
Poll conducted
In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements 33 (31%) U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity 30 (28%) U.S. wants to dissolve Russia 24 (22%) U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China 21 (19%)