
Expert search
Meena Singh Roy

Research Fellow & Coordinator West Asia Centre, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

Anastasia Likhacheva

PhD in Political Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Edward Dzhagityan

PhD in Economics, MBA, Lead Research Fellow (Center for International Economic Relations Studies), Institute for Finance and Economic Research, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Marc Hecker

Research fellow at the French Institute for International Relations (Paris, France)

Pavel Kandel

Ph.D. (History), Head of the Department of Ethno-Political Conflict at the Institute of Europe under the Russian Academy of Sciences

Vadim Kozyulin

Ph.D. in Political Science, Head of the Center for Global Studies & International Relations at the Diplomatic Academy under the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Marina Sapronova

Д.и.н., Doctor of History, Professor, Department of Oriental Studies, MGIMO University

Sergei Lavrenov

Chief of Moldova Department, Institute of CIS Countries

Ruslan Grinberg

Scientific Director of the RAS Institute of Economics, RAS Corresponding Member

Nigyar Masumova

PhD in Economics Vice Dean of International Journalism Department; Associate Professor, Department of the World Economy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Andrey Volodin

Doctor of History, Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Eurasian Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Russian Foreign Ministry

Natalya Markushina

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor at the Department of World Politics, Faculty of International Relations, Director of World Politics Master’s Program, St. Petersburg State University

Vladimir Bartenev

Ph.D. (History), Leading Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Strategic Studies, HSE University

Ksenia Djalagoniya

Program Coordinator, Website Content Manager at the Russian International Affairs Council

Alexander Kanapin

PhD, Head of Computational Genomics, Department of Oncology, University of Oxford, Russia’s Representative in ELIXIR Consortium

Alexander Larin

PhD in History, Leading Researcher at RAS Institute for Far Eastern Studies

Andrey Pavlov

Doctor of History, Assistant Professor at St. Petersburg State University

Grigory Kosach

Professor of the Chair of Modern East Department of History, Political Science and Law, Russian State University for the Humanities

Eduard Solovyov

PhD in Political Science, Head of the Theory of Politics Section IMEMO RAN

Liudmila Filippova

Senior Researcher at the ‘Russia, China, World’ Centre of the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKSA RAS), Head of the Commission for the Creation and Activities of Regional Branches, Member of the Central Board of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society (ORKD)

Victoria Panova

PhD in History, Vice Rector, HSE University, RIAC Member

Aleksei Starostin

PhD in History, Theology Department, Urals State Mining University

Malcolm Rifkind

Former Defense Secretary and Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom

Daniil Parenkov

Deputy Head, Department of Political Theory, MGIMO University

Alexander Krylov

Doctor of History, Professor, Chief Research Associate at the Institute for International Studies (IIS) of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Alexander Yermakov

Research Fellow at the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations under the Russian Academy of Sciences

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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