Rector of the Far Eastern Federal University (2012–2016), RIAC member.
PhD University of Cambridge, Researcher, Centre for Energy, Climate and Environmental Law, University of Eastern Finland; consultant at the International Institute for Sustainable Development
Ph.D. in History, Research affiliate at the Ukrainian Research Institute (Harvard University) and the Center for International and European Studies, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Deputy Director, Analytical Center Observo, French-Russian Chamber of Commerce
PhD in Political Science, Independent expert
Editor-in-Chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Arab and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Ph.D., Fellow of The Institute of U.S. and Canadian Studies at Russian Academy of Sciences, Former editor-in-chief of Russia Direct, an analytical media outlet
Doctor of History, Professor, Dean of Foreign Relations Department at St. Petersburg State University
PhD in Political Science, Independent Analyst
PhD in Chemistry, Chemical Weapons Expert, Former UN inspector in Iraq, Creator of Russian chemical weapons destruction technologies
Senior Researcher at the ‘Russia, China, World’ Centre of the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKSA RAS), Head of the Commission for the Creation and Activities of Regional Branches, Member of the Central Board of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society (ORKD)
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation, RIAC Member
PhD (Political Science), Senior Research Fellow, RAS Institute for Latin American Studies
Ph.D, Vice-Rector for HR, Associate professor at the Department of Diplomacy, MGIMO University
PhD, Professor, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences
Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor at the Global Politics Department of St. Petersburg State University
PhD in Political Science, Assistant Professor of Applied Political Science Department at Financial University of the Russian Federation Government
Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Faculty of Law, HSE University, RIAC Member
Doctor of Political Science, Director, Head of the Center for Political Studies, RAS Institute of Latin America
Independent analyst
Expert on Afghanistan and Central Asian Countries
PhD in Economics, Head of the European Security Department RAS Institute of Europe
Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the European Union
Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of International Law, MGIMO University, RIAC Member
Director of Center for Energy and Security Studies, chief editor of Yaderny Club magazine, member of Scientific Council of the Security Council, RIAC member
Economics Expert at Discussion Society Liberal Cub, Belarus
Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the Global Political Processes Department of the MGIMO University
Dr. of Political Science, Chief Research Fellow at the Centre for Russian–Chinese Relations Studies and Forecasting of the Institute of Far
Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Director of the Institute of Asia and Africa of MSU , RIAC Member
Rector of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the RF MFA, RAS Full Member, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation
PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of Post-Soviet Countries, Russian State University for the Humanities, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Post-Soviet and Interregional Studies
Poll conducted
In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements 33 (31%) U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity 30 (28%) U.S. wants to dissolve Russia 24 (22%) U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China 21 (19%)