
Expert search
Natalia Viakhireva

PhD in Political Science, Independent Analyst

Alexey Tokarev

PhD in Political Science, Senior Research Fellow at Center for Global Issues, Institute for International Studies of MGIMO–University

Clarita Carlos

PhD Professor, University of the Philippines (ret.), Executive Director, Center for Political and Democratic Reforms, Inc.

Luke March

PhD, Senior Lecturer in Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics, Deputy Director of the Princess Dashkova Russia Center, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Yulia Maltseva

Postgraduate at International and European Law Department, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Vera Ageeva

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Political Science at the Higher School of Economics National Research University Campus in St. Petersburg, Assistant at the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University

Lyubov Nechayeva

Independent analyst

Sergey Utkin

PhD in Political Science, Independent expert

Lev Voronkov

Doctor of Political Science, Professor, MGIMO University

Evgeny Korendyasov

PhD, Head of Center for Russian-African Relations Studies at RAS Institute for African Studies

Alexey Ilin

Master of International Affairs (Texas A&M University, 2015)

Anton Naychuk

Ph.D. in Political Science, Director of the Civil Diplomacy Fund, Ukraine

Anna Lavut

PhD in Economics, Leading Research Associate at the RAS Institute for Latin American Studies

Viktor Dukhovny

Director of Research and Information Centre, Intergovernmental Water Management Coordination Commission for Central Asia, Member of the World Water Council

Vadim Kozyulin

Ph.D. in Political Science, Head of the Center for Global Studies & International Relations at the Diplomatic Academy under the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Andrei Fursenko

Aide to the President of the Russian Federation

Fares Kilzie

Founder and Head of CREON Group, RIAC Member

Andrey Melville

Academic Supervisor of Social Sciences Department at Higher School of Economics, Professor, RIAC Member.

Georgi Mirsky

Doctor of History, Professor, Chief Researcher, IMEMO RAS

Turhan Dilmaç

Head of Department, Deputy Director of the General Office of Eastern-European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey

Michalis Diakantonis

Economist and International Relations Analyst, Project Coordinator of “Greece, Cyprus, Egypt & Israel: Opportunities and Restrictions of a Mediterranean Coalition” at the International Relations Institute of Athens

Vladimir Evseev

PhD in Engineering, Senior Research Fellow, Head of the CIS Institute Department of Eurasian Integration and SCO Development

Sergey Serebrov

Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Researcher at the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Alexandra Perminova

Researcher at the Center for Central Asian Studies of the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lecturer in the School of International Affairs at the Higher School of Economics

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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