
Expert search
Kiran Kumar

Former Chairman of Indian Space Research Organization

Vladislav Vorotnikov

North European and Baltic Studies Center at the MGIMO University

Marlene Laruelle

Ph.D., Associate Director of and Research Professor at the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES), Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University

Valeriya Ruzakova

Leading analyst, Center for Energy and Digital Economy Stretegic Research, MGIMO University. Founder, President of Honour, MGIMO Arctic Student Research Club

Valeria Gorbacheva

Counselor of the National Committee for BRICS Research

Maria Lagutina

Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor at the Global Politics Department of St. Petersburg State University

Anatoly Vishnevsky

Doctor of Economics, Director of the Center for Human Demography and Ecology, RAS Institute of Economic Forecasting

Alexander Kozintsev

Lecturer at the Department of Comparative Politics, PhD student at MGIMO University

Alexander Korolev

PhD., HSE Professor

Darya Polosina

MSc, MGIMO University, field of study International Economic Law

Andrés Rozental

Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Mexico and Founding President of the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations - COMEXI

Natalia Travkina

PhD in Politics, Center for Domestic Policy Research at RAS Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies

Victoria Namzhilova

PhD in Economics, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Regional Economic Studies, Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Michalis Diakantonis

Economist and International Relations Analyst, Project Coordinator of “Greece, Cyprus, Egypt & Israel: Opportunities and Restrictions of a Mediterranean Coalition” at the International Relations Institute of Athens

Lawrence McDonnell

McDonnell & Partners, Former BBC Moscow Correspondent

Gurgen Gukasian

Senior researcher at the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, associate professor at People’s Friendship University of Russia

Oleg Popadyuk

PhD in Law, MGIMO University

Irina Busygina

Doctor of Political Science, Director of the Centre for Comparative Governance Studies, Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Area Studies, HSE Campus in St. Petersburg

Mario Abou Zeid

Research Analyst Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut

Igor Titov

Adviser to the Russian Trade Mission to Finland

Christian Wollny

IE Business School in Madrid Graduate, MGIMO-University Graduate

Irina Abramova

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sc. (Econ.), Professor, Director of the RAS Institute for African Studies, RIAC Member

Ruslan Mamedov

Ph.D. in History, Scientific Advisor of The Evgeny Primakov Center for International Cooperation, Senior Research Fellow, Center for the Arab and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS

Vadim Mukhanov

PhD in History, Caucasus Problems and Regional Security Center at the MGIMO University

Igbal Guliyev

PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy Director, International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, MGIMO-University

Yuri Vanin

PhD in History, Leading Researcher, Department of Korea and Mongolia, RAS Institute of Oriental Studies

Andrey Melville

Academic Supervisor of Social Sciences Department at Higher School of Economics, Professor, RIAC Member.

Marco Di Liddo

Analyst in charge of Former Soviet Union and Balkans Desk at Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Internazionali

Igor Morgulov

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the People's Republic of China, RIAC Member

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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