Search: Diplomacy (105 materials)


U.S.-Russian Diplomatic Normalcy: One Small Step Nearer?

... were the prime conduits of dialogue between the superpowers. Not so these days. Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry have met many times during the past four months, and have spoken even more often. Occasionally, the two presidents also engage in telephone diplomacy. What the absence of a resident ambassador means today is that the government responsible for such a vacancy deprives itself of day-to-day contact with senior figures in the other country, and this limits its understanding of the host nation's ...


Refreshing relations between Belgium and Russia; from the birth of Belgium till the Russian revolution. 02/07/2014

La Belgique ne regrette rien (Belgium has no regrets) by Edith Wharton Not with her ruined silver spires, Not with her cities shamed and rent, Perish the imperishable fires That shape the homestead from the tent. Wherever men are staunch and free, There shall she keep her fearless state, And homeless, to great nations be The home of all that makes them great. Waking up in sunny and hot Moscow with a smile on my face and feeling by the way even more patriotic then before. Yesterday evening...


Arriving in Russia 01/07/2014

... student and will be written for everybody that is interested in International relations. To start off the adventure, allow me to introduce myself as a Belgian citizen in the heart of the Russian Federation. Currently I am a student at Geneva School of Diplomacy majoring in International Relations and Diplomacy. I always been quite studious and appreciate the opportunities to further my skills and knowledge in the area of negotiations, communication and security studies. Russian International Affairs ...


Does Russia need America?

Western politicians now understand that, for the first time, Russia has decided to act as it sees fit, leaving no space for compromise with Europe or the United States, because Ukraine is so important to Moscow that it is in no mood for formalities. The West is not used to this, so it is trying to force Russia to return to the behavioral model that it adhered to for so long. Russia responds by reminding everyone, in case they forgot, how much is at stake here. They are still capable of turning America...


A Lop-Sided Power

... Russia’s population and elite. They have been vigorously fighting everything associated with the West, while in fact opposing advanced and effective practices although the “threat” from the West, even a spiritual one, is minuscule. DIPLOMACY VICTORIES Apart from luck, there is something else, more material – a tough policy and skillful diplomacy that help strengthen positions in the best possible way – that is also one of the main sources of Russia’s international ...


Yuri Dubinin Dies

... with us in his interview for RIAC only a few weeks ago. It is always difficult to say good-bye to people like Yuri Dubinin. But his memory will live on. Here are the few materials Yuri Vladimirovich prepared in cooperation with the RIAC. The Art of Diplomacy On the Diplomatic Art RIAC expresses its condolences to the family and friends of Yuri Dubinin.


The Art of Diplomacy

Lecture 2 What is the art of diplomacy? While the art of war lies in the ability to claim victory through the force of arms, the art of diplomacy aims to achieve the goals set through peaceful means. It is, therefore, the antithesis of using force to solve international problems....


Syrian Сonflict: Diplomacy and Politics

The sides start thinking seriously about peace only when they reach a military equilibrium Developments over Syria and the effectiveness of diplomacy as a means of resolving a conflict situation reviewed by Anatoly Adamishin , president emeritus of the non-governmental Association of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia, and RIAC member. The situation ...


Review of James Sherr book “Hard Diplomacy and Soft Coercion. Russia’s influence abroad”

... positively tomorrow than it does today. For these reasons the West should not only reconsider its visa policy but to change it. Author suggests three directions of Western activities: 1. Regenerating expertise about Russia; 2. Develop active public diplomacy; 3. Institutional reinforcement (mechanism of consultations, coordination and support need enhancement). According to the writer (and it’s very difficult not agree with him) such policies will not jeopardize the West’s current scheme ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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