Search: Arms Control (35 materials)


The New START Must Not Become an Ironic END of Bilateral Russia-U.S. Arms Control

... Bolton said, “Why extend the flawed system [New START] just to say you have a treaty?” Whether intentionally or not, the former US National Security Advisor might have asked one of the most pertinent questions amidst the current precariousness of arms control at a modest rally for Young Conservatives in July 2019. His rhetorical question illustrates a frame of mind that potentially exposes US reasons for withdrawing from a string of international treaties and agreements in recent years. The answers ...


A Year Without the INF Treaty: You Need an Umbrella During Rainy Season

Even if the political clouds are miraculously dispersed and the New START is revived in the coming months, it would not do much to bring back the Soviet-American model of arms control that took shape almost half a century ago Imagine an ordinary everyday situation, which shouldn’t be a problem this summer with its unpredictable weather. You were going to spend the weekend outside, but looking out the window on a Saturday ...


We Have No Trust, No Confidence Whatsoever” in America

... suspect to some extent that it’s also my own fear that in my modest position, I was not able to offer anything to my bosses that may help to change things for the better. Heilbrunn : Final question: do you think that matters, at least in the area of arms control, would change under a Biden presidency? Because the Democrats are much more sympathetic to arms control agreements than Republicans currently appear to be. What’s your take? Ryabkov : I have no idea how things will unfold in relation to ...


Russia’s View on Nuclear Arms Control

Arms Control Today conducted a written interview in early March with Anatoly Antonov, Russian ambassador to the United States on issues including the current status of U.S.-Russian strategic security talks, the future of New START, talks on intermediate-range ...


A Plea to Save the Last Nuclear Arms Treaty

... countries survived the nuclear dangers of the Cold War through a combination of skilled diplomacy, political leadership and good fortune. The fall of the Berlin Wall did not eliminate those dangers, but the years that followed saw continued progress on arms control, a sharp drop in nuclear peril and a reduced reliance on military means for addressing potential conflicts. Today, in contrast, geopolitical tensions are rising and the major powers are placing a renewed emphasis on the role of nuclear weapons ...


Wolfgang Richter: Establishing Whether the Other Side Has Hostile Intent Is Critical for De-escalation

Interview with one of the co-authors of the OSCE Report “Reducing the Risks of Conventional Deterrence in Europe” On October 24, 2019, the Russian International Affairs Council held a breakfast lecture on the topic “ Arms Control: Will Russia and NATO Reach a Deal? ” timed to the release of the OSCE Report “ Reducing the Risks of Conventional Deterrence in Europe ”. In an interview following his speech, Colonel (GS) Wolfgang Richter, one of the co-authors, discussed ...


A New Era of Arms Control: Myths, Realities and Options

Only the continuation of nuclear arms control can create the political and military conditions for eventual limitations of innovative weapons systems and technologies, as well as for a carefully thought through and phased shift to a multilateral format of nuclear disarmament. Only ...


Time for a New Approach to Conventional Arms Control?

... treaty The return to an outright deterrence relationship between NATO and Russia involves the danger of an arms race and a number of military risks, particularly in the NATO-Russia contact zones. These risks can be contained by means of sub-regional arms control. Approaches of this kind should comprise sub-regional force limitations, limitations of military exercises, transparency and inspection rules for rapid deployment and long-range strike capabilities outside the zone of limitations, as well ...


Outlines for future conventional arms control in Europe: A sub-regional regime in the Baltics

... side, states in the Baltic region have similar concerns about the possibility of Russia’s rapid movement of forces into the region. With this in mind, it is likely that Russia and the NATO countries concerned might be interested in a conventional arms control regime that could help prevent a destabilising build-up of strength along the contact line between Russia and NATO. The authors propose an arrangement to help prevent such destabilising build-ups of forces and to enhance security in the maritime ...


Is There Life After Arms Control Death?

... limiting and reducing nuclear arms, the priority task for all should be to prevent a nuclear war For several years, serious experts in Russia and the West have repeatedly warned the public about the threat of the collapse of the international nuclear arms control system. They spoke about the system, to be precise, because in the past half a century arms control developed as a sum-total of supplementary elements rather than an eclectic set of separate unrelated bilateral or multilateral agreements....


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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