Search: International relations (48 materials)


Geopolitical Theory of Water

Territory and its morphology assume a key role in geopolitics Geopolitics, as an autonomous discipline, has a very particular cultural genesis, and it is not possible to ignore the deepening of the era in which it developed. His great forefathers can be considered the first geographers who in the nineteenth century began to think of the world as a relationship between human groups and territorial spaces. This relationship, of course, produced organizational differences and particularities, and...


Challenges to International Stability in 2020–2025

Crisis of the state system, Economic and financial disorder, the rise of non-state actors, climate change, migrations, decline of international institutions 1. Crisis of the state system. In coming years, we are likely to see a continuous crisis of the traditional state system, particularly in such places as the MENA region, sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and in parts of the former Soviet Union. Weak states might face a challenge of losing their sovereignty; they will not be in a position to provide...


The Neo-Compellence: Is the Diplomacy of Violence a new Reality for International Relations?

... doctrine not yet codified that we could call neo-compellence . According to Andrey Kokoshin, military strikes of the US and their allies against Syria on the 14th of April 2018 led to the conclusion that continuation of such actions would destabilize international relations. Negotiations on arms control, which previously were intensive, came to an end. This situation jeopardized the INF Treaty. It also made very unclear the perspectives of a prolongation of the New START Treaty after 2021 [xxv] .The ...


Russia: The Dilemmas of an Underachiever?

If “agents” are replacing “structures” in modern international relations, maybe it is worth changing the analytical lens through which we look at “agents,” especially an unconventional agent like Russia The October events in Syria were an interesting indicator of the specific character of current ...


A New Anarchy? Scenarios for World Order Dynamics

... in hand with the collapse of the habitual institutions (from sovereign nation states to classical capitalism). This is a crisis scenario that leads not so much to a new balance as to an all-out reset of the institutions, power, production modes, and international relations. But even though this model wins over by a promise of breaking the mould, it was mostly confined to journalistic and academic writings. The second model seems more familiar. It suggests building a new bipolarity. Until not a very ...


Why Should We Be Grateful to Donald Trump?

Donald Trump’s presidency should serve as a shock for the international community, forcing it to arise from the sweet slumber of recent decades Looking back on the history of international relations over the past three decades it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the world fell into a kind of voluptuous state of relaxation after the end of the Cold War. For some reason, everyone decided that now the main security threat ...


Discussion "Self-Reliance: a Chimera, Forced Strategy, or Real Opportunities?"

... Morozov, RIAC Program Manager, project manager for German-Russian International Affairs Dialogue, and Alevtina Larionova, RIAC Program Assistant. During the meeting, different generations of experts exchanged views on the issues of changing the system of international relations and Russia's place in it, the internal points of growth for the Russian economy, the impact of sanctions on the country's business environment, and priority areas of economic development.


Russia — West Crisis: Small Steps Are Not Enough

... both relations and Russia. Speaking of isolation in general, North Korea is the subject of the harshest sanctions policy today. However, it is not completely isolated and has maintained contacts with its neighbours and beyond. Complete isolation in international relations is not possible; there still will be certain opportunities to develop ties. Could today’s situation be compared to the system of international relations that was present in the 19 th century? Certainly not. The Congress of Vienna ...


Russia Is Offering an Olive Branch, Not Flaunting Nuclear Weapons

Russia hopes that its partners will properly understand this signal President Vladimir Putin’s recent address to the Federal Assembly made quite a splash in the international community. Unsurprisingly, particular attention was paid to the sections of the address in which the president spoke in detail about boosting Russia’s defense capabilities, creating new weapons systems and readiness to ensure national security. The Kremlin’s critics in the West immediately accused the Russian leadership of...


False Conflict: Universalism and Identity

... branched and intersecting food chains; accordingly, it is diversity that minimizes the danger that if one of the elements falls out (the disappearance of some species), the whole system collapses, and the extinction of other species begins. The history of international relations confirms this general pattern, although, of course, it brings its amendments and clarifications. For example, the stability of the system of the nineteenth century’s European concert was mainly based on the socio-economic diversity ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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