Search: Russia,International relations (17 materials)


U.S.-Russia Diplomatic Relations Restored: A Game Changer for Global Stability

... Ukraine, a major point of contention, is set to conclude under terms acceptable to Moscow, marking a significant geopolitical victory for Russia. The restoration of diplomatic ties is a clear signal that the world is moving towards greater realism in international relations. The West’s isolation of Russia has proven unsustainable, and the time has come for a constructive, cooperative approach. As the global balance of power shifts, diplomatic engagement between the U.S. and Russia offers a path to stability, prosperity, and a new era of international ...


Russia’s Foreign Policy Balance Sheet and the Road Ahead

... is in a position to approach the external environment as an opportunity rather than as a challenge or a direct threat. This long-awaited shift in the national mentality will undoubtedly be one of the most significant tasks for the new generation of Russia’s political leaders. First published in the Horizons (Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development)


World Order Transformation: Economy, Ideology, Technology

....2021.2020457 Yan Xuetong. (2016). Political leadership and power redistribution. The Chinese Journal of International Politics , 9(1), 1-26. Dynkin, A.A. (2020). International turbulence and Russia . Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences , 90(2), 127-137. . Primakov, E.M. (1996). Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya nakanune XXI veka: problemy, perspektivy [International Relations on the eve of 21 st century: problems, prospects]. Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn’, 10, 3-13. (In Russ.) Semenenko, I.S. (2023). Razdelyonnye obshchestva [Divided societies]. In I.S. Semenenko (Ed.), Identichnost’: lichnost’, obshchestvo,...


USA, China, Russia: Multiplying Deterrence

... and rivals will be able to conserve resources, and if confrontation is inevitable, will be able to withstand it, emerge victorious, and make use of the results of victory. Ivan Timofeev: Trump or Harris: Does it Matter for China? The current state of international relations demonstrates a steady tendency towards the multiplication of deterrence tasks among the three key global centres of military power—the United States, China and Russia. Each of them has an increasing number of opponents. Moreover, the increase in their number, as well as the degree of confrontation, has its roots in the relatively favourable situation of the 1990s and early 2000s, when Washington, Beijing, and ...


Russia — India Relations in Broader Geopolitical Context

RIAC and Synergia Foundation Report No. 92 / 2024 RIAC and Synergia Foundation Report No. 92 / 2024 Russia — India relations represent an important venue of the emerging multipolar world order. Moscow and New Delhi share a common history, which serves as a basis for the strategic partnership. The two do not hesitate to seize the opportunities of recent ...


Political Philosophy: An Attribute of a Superpower

... potential outside the PRC. It is based on a view of international relations as a non-zero sum game, the idea of the collectivity of international relations, and a departure from rivalry as the leitmotif of world politics. Modern Chinese political philosophy’s ... ... deterrence. However, political philosophy allows you to maintain the global legitimacy of your influence or to claim it. Does Russia have its own political philosophy? The answer so far is rather negative. Russia has returned in its foreign policy to the ...


No Time for Fatalism

Today’s top three challenges Russia has to tackle The Ukrainian conflict has effectively overhauled the challenges and threats that Russia faces. We have had next to no such precedent in our history. The accumulation of shocks and their cumulative effect can impinge both on the ...


Russia: The Dilemmas of an Underachiever?

If “agents” are replacing “structures” in modern international relations, maybe it is worth changing the analytical lens through which we look at “agents,” especially an unconventional agent like Russia The October events in Syria were an interesting indicator of the specific character of current international relations. Two NATO allies — the United States and Turkey — took opposite stands on the Kurdish issue. Washington had to introduce economic sanctions against Ankara, while Turkey conducted a military operation without so much as a backward ...


Discussion "Self-Reliance: a Chimera, Forced Strategy, or Real Opportunities?"

... Morozov, RIAC Program Manager, project manager for German-Russian International Affairs Dialogue, and Alevtina Larionova, RIAC Program Assistant. During the meeting, different generations of experts exchanged views on the issues of changing the system of international relations and Russia's place in it, the internal points of growth for the Russian economy, the impact of sanctions on the country's business environment, and priority areas of economic development.


Russia — West Crisis: Small Steps Are Not Enough

... matter how often we call for these norms and principles to be observed, they are constantly breached. Even the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations has been repeatedly breached by the United States with regard to the diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation. Therefore, establishing a new system is not yet on the table, and this is why I think that today’s international relations are extremely unstable. Some academics believe we are witnessing a situation of anarchy, something we have not seen in a long time, certainly not in the 19 th or the 20 th centuries. According to many Russian experts, and an increasing ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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