What consequences will follow the latest campaign in terms of the domestic situation in Azerbaijan and its foreign policy attitudes?
Elections with and without the Intrigue
The campaign, which ended on April 11, was held ahead of schedule. If it had been held in the "normal mode," the vote would have taken place on October ...
This publication includes 53 articles analysing the main development trends in the post-Soviet space – both the geopolitical region as a whole and the individual countries that make it up. The anthology consists of three sections: the first section is retrospective in nature and looks at the post-Soviet space 20 years after the collapse of the USSR; the second section analyses the current state of the former Soviet nations; and the third section provides a number of forecasts for the development...
What are the Outcomes of the Russia, Iran, and Azerbaijan Meeting?
Limited Triangle
Yulia Sveshnikova:
Ousting the JCPOA
Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran on November 1, 2017, was held in connection with a trilateral meeting of the leaders of Russia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. The politicians met up ...
... Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, end of the war in Ukraine, reduction of tensions over the nuclear deal with Iran, and Turkey's heated relations with the West.
- Andrey Vadimovich, how do you assess the prospects for the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia on the fields of the UN General Assembly?
- Any meeting between high representatives of these two countries is very important, since contacts, exchange of positions, comparison of viewpoints, perhaps the establishment of relations ...
... single CIS market. It appears that Ukraine is stepping up economic cooperation within the CIS to offset the losses suffered due to the termination of its cooperation with Russia.
Sergey Minasyan:
Hard Times for Multivectorism in Post-Soviet Space: Azerbaijan between Russia and the West
Initially, the CIS not only participated in economic activities, but also was actively involved in peacekeeping efforts such as putting an end to the civil war in Tajikistan or preventing another war in Abkhazia....
... seeking ‘understanding’ and support in Brussels, the political elite in Chisinau is gradually coming to follow Yerevan’s path. For Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko trying to be different — including with the financial support of Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan — but it’s becoming obvious that his potential is melting, too. Kazakhstan and other Central Asian nations, with all the baggage of internal conflicts as well as fragile political realities, have for some time been balancing between Moscow ...
... and its economy.
Armenia's decision to embrace closer ties with Brussels and to balance relations with Kremlin is stemming from Russia's decreasing reputation as an ostensible 'security guarantor' in Armenia, mostly due to: (1) Russia's arms export to Azerbaijan, which Armenia is in conflict with and (2) Russia's neutrality during the military escalation in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in April 2016. Moreover, the impartiality of Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) on the protection ...
... Nagorno-Karabakh was one of the first of its kind in the former USSR. Over the past quarter of a century, it has transformed from an intercommunal and inter-republic conflict within a single state (the USSR) into a protracted confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan with the prospects for resolution being unclear
. Russia (the successor to the USSR) has expressed an interest in settling this confrontation, as have neighbouring Turkey and Iran, and a number of external actors, namely the United States ...
... home” maxim, refreshed by the brilliant political scientist and President of the American Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haas in his book with the same title (Basic Books, 2013), will continue to apply to Armenia in its relations with not only Azerbaijan and Turkey, but also its major ally — Russia, and indispensable security partner — the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh.
The prevailing mood in Armenian society on any new deals with Azerbaijan or initiating (rather than responding ...
That’s the puzzle we are entering the 2017 with.
The Azerbaijani armed forces staged a new subversion along the Northeastern part of Armenian-Azerbaijani international border on the early morning hours of
December 29
. Three Armenian soldiers are confirmed killed, while Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense ...