On October 23 representatives from BlueBay Asset Management London Office visiting Moscow came to visit Russian International Affairs Council. BlueBay Asset Management is an international investment foundation, managing financial assets estimated at USD 57 billion. The foundation has a significant investment portfolio at emerging markets, including portfolio investment in Russia.
On October 23 representatives from BlueBay Asset Management London Office visiting Moscow came to visit Russian...
On September 27 managers on sovereign risks and analysis from London office of J.P. Morgan international investment bank visited Russian International Affairs Council.
On September 27 managers on sovereign risks and analysis from London office of J.P. Morgan international investment bank visited Russian International Affairs Council.
In RIAC the financial specialists from London discussed the dynamics of Russia’s political risks, the possible influence of the new U.S. sanctions on Russian financial...
On June 21 Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General, had a meeting with the managers of American investment foundation Route One Investment Co.
On June 21 Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General, had a meeting with the managers of American investment foundation Route One Investment Co.
The following issues were discussed during the meeting: possible changes in the U.S. legislation regarding sanctions against Russia, prospects for Russia-the U.S. economic cooperation, political risks associated with...
The parties discussed dynamics of macro-financial and macroeconomic situation in Russia, prospects for Russia's economic ties with the EU and the U.S. as well as international crises settlement and lifting of anti-Russian sanctions.
On May 31, Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General, met with
Pictet Asset Management
senior representatives.
Pictet manages assets exceeding US $37 billion, with Russian portfolio of over US$ 1 billion.
The parties discussed dynamics of macro-financial and macroeconomic...
... between Russia and the West, prospects of lifting EU and U.S. financial sactions, structural reforms of the Russian economy, peculiarities of Russia's investment climate and the possibilities of increasing the volume of foreign direct and portfolio investments in Russia.
... secure the custom of the Indian side. New Delhi will expect foreign suppliers to make lucrative offers that involve the transfer of technologies so that it can create its own production base and develop the Indian defence industry.
Oil in Exchange for Investments
Alexander Yermakov:
Griffin and Viper Chase Indian Jackpot
Energy is another source of pride in the Russia–India strategic partnership. In the long term, this could be of even greater benefit that the arms trade. And nuclear energy has ...
... construction project that is being financed, among others, by a Chinese state corporation. In July, the decision on the matter
was delayed
due to security reasons and the need for a more detailed assessment of possible consequences that the increased investments of Chinese companies into
the UK economy’s strategic sectors
could have. The UK authorities introduced protective measures aimed at retaining control over foreign investments into strategic infrastructure projects, including nuclear energy....
On May 24-25, 2016 an international conference “Russia: The Inside Track” was held in Moscow under the auspices of Sberbank of Russia. The participants discussed prospects for attracting foreign direct and portfolio investments in Russia.
The conference was attended by portfolio managers of major international investment funds from Russia, Europe, USA and Asia. Evgeny Gavrilenkov, RIAC member, Chief Economist and Managing Director of Sberbank CIB investment company,...
Interview with Birgit Hansl, Chief Economist at the World Bank for Russia and CIS countries
Russia is passing through difficult times and its growth potential is looming. The World Bank
its GDP to contract by 3.8 percent in 2015 and 0.3 percent in 2016, but swings in oil price will ultimately determine the outcome. In this context, the presence of economic sanctions contributes to worsening the situation.
A recently released
by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) suggests that...
... the EU. Below, General Director in the Russian Federation of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia Oleg Prozorov shares his view of the investment climate in Russia today and the work of foreign companies in our country.
How are foreign investments in Russia changing against the background of the international political crisis?
Reports say that capital is coming back into the Russian Federation.
European investments in the Russian Federation have taken a blow because EU banks (notably ...