RIAC, Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of International Studies at Fudan University Report #94 / 2024
RIAC, Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of International ...
... strengthening humanitarian ties, and people-to-people cooperation represent a unique example of the constructive dialogue taking place between these two truly sovereign states. Further confirming this dynamic was Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to China on May 16–17, 2024.
Moscow and Beijing relations managed to move beyond historical grievances, political differences and territorial disputes, entering a new responsible stage of building a new type of partnership that is based on mutual respect,...
Can Moscow make a meaningful contribution to an improvement in China-India relations?
Obviously, the future of Eurasia largely depends on China and India. These two nations demonstrate remarkable resilience in their economic, technological, political, cultural and spiritual growth and maturation. Undoubtedly, their ...
... further development.
The two sides of the Chinese yuan
China usually finances infrastructure through loans,
the option of construction carried out by Chinese companies. On the one hand, this is a favorable situation for the states receiving China’s investments as Chinese companies often train local employees, improving their skills and providing them with jobs; and construction of infrastructure has had a positive impact on rebuilding the countries ruined during the various crises of the recent ...
RIAC, Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of International Studies at Fudan University Report #87 / 2023
RIAC, Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of International ...
... public-private partnerships. In total, the
list of investment projects
has more than 60 positions, and the total amount of possible investments exceeds
USD 40 billion.
The Padma Bridge Rail Link Project with an eponymous
multi-purpose bridge
, connecting the ... ... high-speed Internet networks throughout Bangladesh in accordance with the government’s Digital Bangladesh concept, with the help of China International Railway Group (CRIG) and Huawei.
An important area of international cooperation is the Payra Port project ...
... countries of the group, China is among the top five sources of exports [
]> but its position as an importer is not high [
As for investment, although
within the framework of the format in 2014
a $10 billion line of credit was opened to CEE, and China launched two phases of the Investment Cooperation Fund, in 2014 and 2018. When compared with Chinese investments in large EU countries, these figures are not excessive. Cumulative Chinese FDI exceeds 1% of the total only in the economies of Hungary, Romania and Slovenia [
As for the BRI projects, the most consistently implemented is the development ...
... leaving, but niches in this area will definitely
be vacated
Third, advanced mining projects that require both large capital investments and technology. There is a precedent, namely JSC Yamal-LNG, where the Chinese CNPC corporation
20% and the Silk ... ... France’s Total and Japan’s Mitsui will soon become available.
However, there should be no inflated expectations of attracting China’s big and high-tech corporations. The approval process for any such project takes many months, if not years, even in a ...
... investments. By the beginning of 2020,
according to the Bank of Russia
, China accounted for less than 0.1% of accumulated direct investment from Russia (with the share of UK and Germany at 4.7% and 2.2%, respectively). As for the accumulated direct investments in Russia (private equity and debt instruments), China’s share
reached only 0.8%
in early 2020, while the share of France stood at 4.5%.
State support and guarantees
So far, Chinese investments are mainly focused on energy projects, directly or indirectly supported by the state. Yamal LNG plant ...
... Chance?
While India lacks the global prowess to pull-off mega projects in ports, expressways, hydro-dams, etc., of the kind that China alluringly dangles, before a gapingly infrastructure deficient Latin America, Indian investment can most certainly make ... ... Vehicles revolution, which Indian Industry estimates to account for 30 billion dollars sector, by 2030, mandating huge prospective investments by corporate India tapping into the lithium pans of Bolivia and Chile. Similarly, Indian Industry has also exhibited ...