Russia will increasingly have to compete with other countries’ Arctic aims
The fact that huge swathes of Russia fall within the Arctic circle means the region is not only a pressing domestic concern for Russia — it is also a foreign policy priority. Accordingly, Moscow has two main goals in the region. First,...
The Prospects of Developing Cooperation in the Arctic
When a year draws to a close, tradition dictates that we take stock of the past 12 months and plan for the future. What developments has 2018 seen in the Arctic and, to paraphrase Pushkin, “what fate is our next year brewing”?
2018 did not ...
Report No. 42/2018
The report reviews approaches and mechanisms of marine management in the Arctic Ocean in areas beyond national jurisdiction of the coastal states. Given the growing interest to economic development in the Arctic, this issue is of increasing significance and implies the development of ecosystem-based management in the region....
... of Defense, the Foreign Ministry and the Swedish National Defence Research Institute.
The following issues were discussed during the meeting: security in the Baltic Sea area, state and areas for further development of international cooperation in the Arctic, possibility for restoring dialogue between Russia and NATO, as well as some aspects of bilateral Russian-Swedish relations. The meeting was also attended by diplomats from the political department of the Embassy of Sweden.
On November 20, 2018, Russian International Affairs Council held a working meeting with Beverly Young, Senior Counsellor on Arctic issues, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and Bruno Nordeste, Head of the Political Section at the Canadian Embassy in Russia.
On November 20, 2018, Russian International Affairs Council held a working meeting with Beverly Young,...
... for the development of expert online and webinar meetings, as well as the use of RIAC analytical and training materials in UN training programs. Special attention was given to RIAC research on such topics as migration, international cooperation in the Arctic, and conflict resolution in the Middle East.
An agreement was reached to continue interaction between the organizations.
A keynote report was made by Lassi Heininen, Professor at University of Lapland.
On November 15, 2018, RIAC held a round table on the ratio between security issues and cooperation within interaction of states in the Arctic region.
A keynote report was made by Lassi Heininen, Professor at University of Lapland.
The discussion gathered representatives of analytical centers dealing with Arctic issues and was mediated by Timur Makhmutov, RIAC Deputy Director of Programs....
... November 9, 2018, Rune Resaland, the Ambassador of Norway to Russia, visited Russian International Affairs Council.
The Norwegian diplomat got acquainted with the current RIAC activities in the area of European security and international cooperation in the Arctic. The issues of expanding Russian-Norwegian cooperation through analytical centers and public organizations were discussed.
On October 11, 2018, RIAC held a discussion focusing on integrated management of marine spaces in the Arctic Ocean beyond national jurisdictions. The meeting started with the presentation of a draft report on this issue moderated by Andrey Zagorsky, RIAC Member, Director of IMEMO RAS Department of Disarmament and Conflict Resolution, following the discussions ...
Threats and Challenges for Russia’s Arctic Activity under Sanctions
Since the end of the past century, the definition of the Arctic as the territory of the dialogue and cooperation has firmly consolidated. The logic of the region itself with its severe and hardly predictable weather ...