Search: Northern Sea Route,Arctic (21 material)


Turkey Plans to Earn Recognition in the Arctic by Developing Its Scientific Competencies

... establish a scientific base in Svalbard, necessitates the enhancement of Turkish maritime doctrine in light of the Arctic's growing significance, and provides a political perspective on Arctic navigation, the strategic raw material potential of the Arctic, and the prospects of utilizing the Northern Sea Route. Additionally, it offers Turkish students the opportunity to study at the University Centre in Svalbard. What is Turkey's priority sphere in the Arctic? Is it science and research? Does Turkey have enough experience and potential to ...


India Seeks Arctic Partnerships with Like-Minded Nations

... international community. One of the developments that Russia is pushing for today is to build roads in Siberia to the Arctic. India also wants to play a role in the economic development and discuss ideas. We want to be part of Russia’s route in the Arctic. Once it opens, which the climate is ensuring, the Northern Sea Route will be open for a larger part of the year. India is very keen on that, but it does not want to claim land. Unlike Antarctic, which is part of the global commons, every country with a physical presence in the Arctic will be the first ...


The Russian and Canadian Approach to Extra-Regional Actors in the Arctic

... Moscow in attracting investments from East Asian countries, even though the size of such investments is small. Scientific and technological cooperation. The Northeast Passage. The Specifics of the Canadian Approach Andrey Todorov: Where does the Northern Sea Route Lead To? Canada is a country with a clearly defined Arctic identity. The Arctic has always been more a part of Canada’s domestic policy than its foreign policy, although this attitude is changing gradually. Even though the term in office of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s liberal government is about ...


Russia's Arctic Dilemma: the Status of NSR as a National Transport Artery vs Foreign Investment

... correspond to the current situation in the region. The Russian EEZ area getting clear of ice may result in other countries viewing the existing powers of Russia to control navigation on the NSR as less and less legitimate. A decrease in the ice cover in the Arctic may also lead to the fact that traditional routes of the Northern Sea Route, which now pass through the internal sea waters, the territorial sea, and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, will become more high-latitude. If this happens, the Northern Sea Route will run entirely through the offshore ...


Where does the Northern Sea Route Lead To?

... For instance, in February 2019, the Russian media drew major attention to the words of U.S. Adm. James Foggo, commander of the U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa, who said that “the United States would not allow Russia and China to dominate the Arctic and control the Northern Sea Route”. Russia responded by announcing rules for the passage of foreign warships in the NSR. Even though this media hullaballoo mostly produces populist and rather ignorant statements, there are, sadly, sufficient grounds to seriously ...


Back to “Normalcy”

... use ships without ice strengthening. Of course, international transit shipments along the Northern Sea Route are not developing as fast as had been hoped, but certain progress has been made in this area. To prevent and relieve emergencies along the Northern Sea Route and in the Arctic as a whole, the Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies, and Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation formed a unit that entails building 11 comprehensive Arctic rescue and emergency centres. [i] Currently, five centres are in operation in the ...


RIAC Holds Discussion on Integrated Management of Arctic Marine Space

On October 11, 2018, RIAC held a discussion focusing on integrated management of marine spaces in the Arctic Ocean beyond national jurisdictions. The meeting started with the presentation of a draft report on this issue moderated by Andrey Zagorsky, RIAC Member, Director of IMEMO RAS Department of Disarmament and Conflict Resolution, following the discussions ...


The Northern Sea Route: а National or an International Transportation Corridor?

... particular, the U.S. Admiral said that “Canada, like Russia, views the Northwest Passage as their internal waters. We interpret that as, no, this is an international strait and it is open for transit passage, which is our same interpretation of the Northern Sea Route.” It should be noted that for Washington, Russia’s claims to controlling navigation on the NSR route and Russia’s entire Arctic policy are in many ways identical to what is happening in the South and East China seas , where Beijing lays claims to expanding its sovereignty and jurisdiction and its rights to control the various types of marine economic activities of other ...


The Northern Sea Route: National Regime in the Changing International Context

Policy Brief #9, 2016 Both the Arctic states and other members of the global community are becoming increasingly interested in the Arctic. The issues of developing the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and the legal regulation of navigation in its waters are pending both for the Russian interests and in the international context, especially since the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) comes into ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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