Search: Arctic,International cooperation (15 materials)


Turkey Plans to Earn Recognition in the Arctic by Developing Its Scientific Competencies

Interview with Rabia Kalfaoglu, Assistant Professor of IR at Recep Tayyip Erdogan University in Rize Turkey is among non-regional actors in the Arctic. Though the country hasn’t published an Arctic strategy as a separate official document, it still has the vision, interests and goals in the region, as well as a well-established Polar science and research program. Rabia Kalfaoglu, Assistant ...


The Russian Arctic: Potential for International Cooperation

... vision for strategic governance in the Russian Arctic and inter-municipal cooperation in the coastal zone of the Russian Federation. Authors: A.N. Pelyasov, Dr. of Geography (Head); A.V. Kotov, Ph.D. in Economics. ISBN 978-5-91891-370-3 The Russian Arctic: Potential for International Cooperation: Report No. 17 / 2015 , 3,7 Мб


Between Yellowknife and Crimea: towards a security dilemma?

The Arctic Council diplomats gathered in Yellowknife, Canada, from the 25th to the 27th of March to discuss high-level political issues concerning the Arctic. The work of the Arctic Council continues, but the echo of the events that occurred in Crimea cannot ...


Arctic Offshore Exploration: An International Perspective

... current talk is the Transport, Logistics and Production Outlook for the Arctic Offshore Exploration: An International Perspective. This lecture is, if anything, practical in nature as I will be using case studies to demonstrate the tools and prospects for international cooperation in Arctic shelf development. Outline of the oil and gas resource potential To begin with, I would like to give you a broad outline of the oil and gas resource potential of the Barents and Kara seas. Over the past 30 years, dozens of gas, gas condensate ...


Prospects of cooperation in U.S.-Russia relations in the Arctic

The U.S. is going to chair the Arctic Council in 2015. This prospect, together with the current open confrontation in Ukraine, raises some questions concerning the future of U.S.-Russia cooperation in the Arctic. We asked Pavel Gudev, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World ...


International cooperation is a must for the future of the Arctic

... are determined to strengthen their influence on any issues ordecisions that concern the Artic. In this framework, the need for internationalcooperation with non-Arctic actors is acknowledged, especially when it comes to jointeconomic efforts. Enhanced international cooperation The Arctic powers are facing a paradox: the more they speak up for uncontestedinfluence over the Arctic, the more they realize that no project or measures can beimplemented by one "lonely" power[2]. In this respect, the Arctic states in Kirunaacknowledged ...


Conference Summary: Cooperation in the Arctic Is Inevitable

... international partners, among them RAS Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), International Maritime Law Association, The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Center for Strategic and International Studies. The event was primarily focused on international cooperation of the Arctic states in the region. The Conference was opened by Arthur Chilingarov, Special Representative of the President for International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic, Anton Vasilyev , Russian Envoy to the Arctic Council, Andrey Kortunov , ...


Russia in the Arctic: Opportunities and Peculiarities of International Cooperation

... attempting to analyze various aspects of the processes underway in the Arctic. However, systematic monographs showingan integrated grasp and assessment of international cooperation are virtually nonexistent. RIAC's three-volume anthology “The Arctic Region: Problems of International Cooperation” is absolutely unique in that it systematized current Russian research and analytical papers on issues critical to theinteraction of the states in the region. Each section of the anthology covers a separate aspect of international ...


International Conference “The Arctic: Region of Development and Cooperation”

... and preserving its unique environment on the basis of international cooperation. At the beginning of December this year RIAC will release an annual report “International Cooperation in the Arctic” and a three-volume anthology “The Arctic region: Problems of International Cooperation,” covering the essential materials on the Arctic research in recent years and systematizing the legal framework of the international cooperation and activities of Russia and other Arctic nations in the region. These editions ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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