Multipolarity, Economic globalization, and International order
Sino-Russian international cooperation revolves around a number of core concepts, among which multipolarity, globalization, and international order-building occupy a prominent place. The consensus between the two countries on these ...
... historic deficit.” Unipolarity’s demise, according to Acharya, “was hastened not by isolationism but by adventurism.”
What Randall Schweller and Xiaoyu Pu observed in their
published in 2011, titled
After Unipolarity: China’s Visions of International Order in an Era of U.S. Decline
, is that “unipolarity, which seemed strangely durable only a few years ago, appears today as a “passing moment.” The authors added that the U.S. “is no longer a hyper power towering over potential ...
... orders. The problem of anarchy cannot be eradicated. But a state must adopt measures to safeguard against the claims of other states.
Valery Mikhailenko:
For Whom the Bell Tolls: A Note on John J. Mearsheimer’s Article on the Collapse of the Liberal International Order
Thought. It was superimposed on a holistic approach that emphasized the role of the system of international relations. In other words, states’ behaviour depends on how the international order is organized. However, both liberals ...
... limited to a group of like-minded states centered on the Atlantic littoral,” and that “it did not include many large countries such as China, India, and the Soviet bloc states” [
]. It’s clear that the topic of the crisis of the “liberal” international order has firmly entered the scientific discourse of Russian and foreign analysts.
Andrey Kortunov:
The Inevitable, Weird World
On October 11, 2017,
The New York Times
drew attention to the so-called “Trans-Atlantic manifesto” prepared ...