Notwithstanding a quite ambitious economic plan of reforms initiated by the Prime Minister Shinzō Abe Sind known as “Abenomics”, mid-November 2014 has shown that Japanese economy is not getting better. The Prime Minister Abe has turned to extreme measures – dissolution of the parliament with the new elections set for December 2014. Once ranking among the top three most innovative and strongest economies,...
... situation during his New Year's address to the nation. Mentioning positive economic shifts, the prime minister underlined that the country was only halfway towards beating deflation and that he was determined to step up efforts towards reviving the Japanese economy.
Could Abenomics affect the economic environment of the Asia-Pacific Region?
There are two aspects of Mr. Abe's strategy that may influence Asia-Pacific, primarily the Asian macro-region.
First, Tokyo is changing its approach to
institutionalized integration