..., is more influential than any country on Earth and any religion.”
Is FIFA's business model too big to fail?
Developing a reputation as an “earner” Blatter, unwittingly, has made himself a target for those who are using public diplomacy assets to play the “ethics card” in an effort to link geopolitical issues with football and disrupt FIFA's business model, which they claim remains a cesspool of corruption and bribery.
Petro Poroshenko, the pro-Washington president of Ukraine, is calling for a boycott of the FIFA 2018 Russia World Cup. The move is reminiscent of U.S. President ...
Before the FIFA World Cup was given “sports diplomacy” status by pundits, academics and some among its own leadership, the ice ... ... to hockey, sports became a vehicle for the nuclear superpowers to project hegemony without casus belli before the concepts of public diplomacy and its adjunct sports diplomacy came on the scene during the early 1960s. That’s the way it was when the ...
... driven, branded “groundswells” of disruption work just once regardless of how much they are promoted as winners by public diplomacy assets and opportunistic media who sometimes mine and trade data from conversations and comments for their own ... ... difficult for protesters to blame losing the World Cup tournament on her. She even had a friendly, high profile meeting with FIFA president Sepp Blatter on June 2nd.
Above all, president Dilma’s main focus is being elected to a second term as ...