Search: Russia,European Union,West (35 materials)


The Limits of Strategic Autonomy: Modi’s Visit to Ukraine

... strategic autonomy has reached its limits following Modi’s warm reception in Moscow on June 8? Alexey Kupriyanov: New Agenda of Russia-India Relations Growing Interest in Peace Since early 2024, right up to Ukraine’s offensive in Kursk in early August ... ... dynamics, which led to the conflict in Ukraine in the first place. Therefore, if to look beyond the push for peace, growing Western pressure on India for Modi’s controversial visit to Russia, a country that is openly at odds with the Western world,...


ELN Expert Meeting on the Crisis in Afghanistan and its Implications for Relations between Russia and the West

... implications for relations between Russia and the West. On October 29, 2021, the European Leadership Network (ELN) held an international expert meeting focusing on the crisis in Afghanistan and its implications for relations between Russia and the West. The meeting was attended by international experts from the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Estonia, Slovakia, and the Netherlands. The positions of the United States, the European Union, and Russia on Afghanistan were presented by Douglas Lute, Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Retired, United States Permanent Representative to NATO 2013-2017; Natalie Tocchi, Director of the Institute of International Relations (IAI) in Rome; ...


Andrey Kortunov: Cooperation with the West Will Only Happen When Russia Modernises

... leaders of the world’s great powers We are facing a generational change among the leaders of the world’s great powers. Russia can return to closer relations with the West only if the Kremlin’s future leaders sets itself the goal of serious social and economic modernisation, according to Andrey ... ... a top-level summit in Paris of the Normandy Four. Agreement was reached on gas transit. Consultations between Russia and the European Union began on 5G communications. It is true, of course, that one cannot really speak of a serious shift in relations ...


Seven Steps Beyond the Crisis Horizon: Reflecting on Past Mistakes

... partners. However, even if the EAEU integration project is implemented to its fullest and Russia experiences rapid economic growth over the next five years, the combined potential... ... global centre of power capable of competing on equal terms with the United States, the European Union and China (and soon India) by 2025, or even 2030. One way or another... ... together or as separate entities. 3. Is it possible to escape another arms race with the West? 2015 : Half a century ago, the USSR and the United States began intensive negotiations...


12 Essential Steps in a Conceptual Dead End

Russia and Europe continue to call on each other to fix problems that only exist because they need to serve their national interests ... ... Russian foreign policy doctrine contains a provision on the indivisibility of regional security as a central tenet. Formally, the European Union does not have any objections to this, but nuances determine the content of the relations between the two sides....


Igor Ivanov Speaks at Federal Academy for Security Policy (Germany)

... institution for advanced studies, education and training in security policy in the remit of the Federal Ministry of Defense of Germany. The Academy is headed by Ambassador Ekkehard Brose. RIAC President devoted his speech to the problems in relations between Russia and the West at the present stage, as well as the possibilities and prospects for building a dialog on key issues in the area of security and humanitarian cooperation. Igor Ivanov’s Remarks at the Federal Academy for Security Policy


How to Stop NATO

... work in NATO's political bodies and joined some of its military operations in 1995. The proponents of Russia's gradual political integration with NATO believed this step would be an essential confirmation of the unalterable Euro-Atlantic orientation of Russia’s foreign political strategy. Of course, it is clear to any politician in Central or Eastern Europe that, from the point of view of western identity, EU membership significantly outweighs NATO membership. However, becoming a member of the European Union is far more complicated than joining NATO. Accession to the European Union requires a far more profound (and more painful) socioeconomic and political transformation of the candidate country than NATO membership. It even took the United ...


Meeting with Sberbank Institutional Investors from the USA and Great Britain

... Management International (USA) The following issues were discussed during the meeting: the state and prospects for relations between Russia and the West, the possibilities of progress in resolving the Ukrainian crisis, and the prospects for Russia-China interaction. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of the possible evolution of the anti-Russian sanctions policy of the United States and the European Union, as well as the adoption of other restrictive measures that could have a significant negative impact on the development ...


Russia's Position on the Baltic States: Why We Need Each Other

... the USSR, and the depiction of large Russian-speaking communities as a fifth column leading to tensions that exist to this day. After a while, problems have accumulated, and Russia's unchanging attitude pushed the three Baltic republics towards the Western institutions: NATO and the European Union. In the midst of these problems, Russia has yet to change its attitude towards the Baltic states. Moscow preferred to talk to the 'old Europe' over the heads of Russia's closest Western neighbors. Russia still expects that Brussels, Berlin and Paris would solve all the problems within ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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