... countries at the initiative and through the mediation of the Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in Russia.
The gathering was attended by the ambassadors of Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Panama, Chile and other Latin American nations. The meeting discussed current issues of trade and economic relations between Russia and the countries in the region.
Yulia Torkunova, Advisor at the National Committee for Promoting Economic Cooperation with Latin American Countries (NCPECLA) helped translate the meeting. RIAC Program Coordinator Elizaveta Solodukhina moderated ...
... attitudes, from which some Latin American leaders could learn.
As demonstrated at the recent summit with Russia, African countries have sought to break free from Western neocolonialism by promoting joint African action with new partners such as China and Russia.
Meanwhile, Latin America, especially since the political crises of 2019 and the Covid-19 pandemic, has been incapable of stablishing common stances on many relevant issues. The relevance of Latin America as a continental pole cannot be fully realized without joint ...
On June 1, 2023, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) together with the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAS) held a workshop on cooperation between Russia and Latin American countries in the new conditions and on the points of economic growth, dedicated to the current challenges and prospects for the development of economic cooperation between the countries
On June 1, 2023, Russian International Affairs Council ...
... urea-ammonia and phosphate fertilizers).
Russia is ready to keep on strictly fulfilling its obligations under international contracts regarding shipments of agricultural products. We are aware of the importance of our wheat for the nations of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the
Middle East
. In the current agricultural year, our exports will amount to 37 million tons of grain, next year we plan to increase it up to 50 million tons. Russia intends to continue providing humanitarian assistance, including through the UN World Food Program.
Russia’s goal has always been to stabilize the situation in the world food market and to provide assistance to countries that need high-quality ...
... General, had a meeting with Ricardo Lagorio, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to the Russian Federation.
On January 23, 2020, Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General, had a meeting with Ricardo Lagorio, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to the Russian Federation.
The discussion focused on the Council’s 2020 work plans on Latin American research track, including the analytical report on relations between Russia and the countries of the continent, to be prepared jointly by RIAC and RAS Institute of Latin American Studies. The current foreign policy trends of Latin American ...
... presidential and local elections going off over the next twelve months “political marketing” by globalist interests, the growing influence of narcocracies, and apologists for historically corrupt mainstream parties are alienating prospective voters in Latin America.This is happening at the very moment that their right to popular sovereignty is being threatened by social media conversations (mostly “fake news” that at best has a tangential connection to realpolitik) in the name of “transparency”and ...
... Security // Mezhdunarodnye protsessy (“International Processes”), 2011 (3). (In Russian).
Davydov V. M., Yakovlev P., Shcherbakova A. V. Semenov V., Razumovsky D., Dlougaya E.
Latin America On the Global Food Market
. Moscow: Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015 (in Russian).
Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 2014 // UNCTAD, United Nations, 2015.
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC), Latin America and the Caribbean ...
... “big brother” is not as efficient as it seems. I am convinced that there can be no real integration if only one country has its interests fulfilled.
Is there interest on behalf of Latin American countries to strengthen bilateral ties with Russia?
Russia’s main clients in Latin America are the biggest economies of the region: Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. The bilateral relations are much more important than regional cooperation as it is. It’s interesting that we cannot consider ideological realities here. From this ...
On October 3, 2015, RIAC used the platform of the 2nd international forum "Russia and Ibero-America in a Globalizing World: History and Modernity" held at St. Petersburg State University to present its report "
Russia-Mexico Relations: Traditional Basics and Imperatives for Renovation
" produced by Director of RAS Institute for Latin American Studies Vladimir Davydov and Ambassador Valery Morozov, both RIAC experts, who familiarized the audience with the key points of the paper.
Dr. Davydov focused on the report's practical aspects, the staple of all RIAC's analytical materials,...
... $700 million with its Peruvian partners. At the 2015 International Exhibition of Technology for Defense and Prevention of Natural Disasters (SITDEF), which took place in Lima in the middle of May, Shugaev
stated that Peru was a strategic partner of Russia in Latin America. In 2015, Peru’s defence budget (which included national security)
by 20 per cent compared to 2014.
The main threats
to peace in Peru are narcoterrorism and territorial disputes, as well as the active rearmament of its neighbours,...