The presidential elections in the United States will determine the future of international relations and become a prologue for a post-Westphalian ... ... aspects are examined in this article.
The Civilizational Context of the U.S. Presidential Election and the Clash of Ideologies: Donald Trump’s Political Platform
Given the civilizational ties among Russia, Europe, and America, the upcoming U.S. presidential ...
... may face a lack of resources. Therefore, Trump’s victory will be undesirable for Tehran.
The outcome of the US presidential elections has very little significance for Russia. The elections are also unlikely to fundamentally change the course of American ... ... (JCPOA) or the 2015 “Iran nuclear deal”, but is unlikely to lead to a sharp escalation of pressure on Iran. A victory for Donald Trump, however, could result in increased pressure on Iran, given the tougher position of the Republicans on relations ...
... again giving rise to discussions about who is best for Russia. Once again, there is a temptation to view Republican candidate Donald Trump as a more acceptable politician for Moscow. Trump says he hasn’t ruled out a “deal” with Russia. His thinking ... ... president. The figure of the president is unlikely to play a big role in Russian-American relations.
Trump's victory in the 2016 elections was greeted with applause in Moscow. At that time, Russian-American relations had already been undermined by accumulated ...
... that we're in the final episode of the Trump presidency.
While tumultuous at times, Donald Trump's reign has had all the makings of a blockbuster television series. It's... ... there needs to be a systematic review and reform of the laws and rules surrounding elections. The barriers to entry for third-parties have to be lowered, allowing for... ... have more days and fewer barriers to voting than others. It also leads to misguided accusations of voter fraud based on citizens misunderstanding the election process in states...
... Trump is leaving, but "Trumpism" remains. It has already been integrated into the political reality. In any case, Donald Trump has already played his part in transforming the U.S., and global politics and economics.
Elections in the U.S.: EU Leaders Call upon the U.S. to Bolster the Transatlantic Partnership (in Russian) // DW. 07.11.2020. ...
Alcaro Riccardo. Three stories from USA 2020 // Istituto Affari Internazionali. 09.11.2020.
Araud Gérard....
... On the contrary, it can be debated that the 2016 presidential vote that resulted in Donald Trump, the disrupter and counter-establishment candidate, was far more momentous... ... hardest critics thought possible. Finally, at long last, he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, a promise that many presidents before him made but never kept.
Trump faced off... ... reports, and polling institutes predicting a blue Democrat wave to victory in the 2020 elections with a clean sweep across all branches of government. The Media Research Center...
... sort of charm when it comes to building relations with other countries, it’s unlikely that he’ll carry with him that charm to build better relations with Russia beyond extending the New START Treaty. Biden is the
most likely candidate
to unseat Donald Trump, which means that Russia-U.S. relations are likely to continue being hostile, confrontational, and counterproductive.
Donald Trump
Andrey Kortunov:
US Will Remain a Difficult Partner
America's reigning champion and current president is quite ...
Variables and constants of Russia–U.S. relations
On November 3, the U.S. presidential elections are to take place. Both the USA and the world will be closely monitoring the event. Whatever some may say about “the decline of the U.S.,” America remains ... ... such circumstances, numerous experts, analysts and political clairvoyants are attempting to predict who will win the November elections. Who will be governing America from the Oval Office in the White House for the next four years? Is it going to be Republican incumbent Donald Trump or Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden? Even today, when the campaign is in the homestretch, few ...
... public - both domestic and foreign. China turned out to be a convenient scapegoat; making Beijing responsible for COVID-19 was like pouring oil on already burning US-China fire.
Can we expect a radical shift of the US approach to China after the November elections? Unfortunately, this is not very likely. If Joe Biden replaces Donald Trump in the White House, there will be a clear change in US foreign policy style and rhetoric, but much less in its fundamental goals and aspirations. President Biden might be more inclined to reach tactical truces with Beijing and more reluctant ...
... the continuation of the current course of confrontation
There are still more than four months until the U.S. presidential elections, almost an eternity in these uneasy, constantly shifting and unpredictable times. That notwithstanding, many are already ... ... captivated by the vicissitudes of the election campaign, the endless opinion polls and periodic scandals surrounding President Donald Trump and his rival Joseph Biden. The stakes in this fascinating political game are incredibly high, not only for citizens ...