The restoration of diplomatic ties is a clear signal that the world is moving towards greater realism in international relations
The recent agreement between the United States and Russia to restore full diplomatic relations marks ... ... Kortunov:
Unpacking Trump’s Proposals for Ukraine
The diplomatic rupture between Washington and Moscow began in 2016 with U.S. accusations of Russian interference in the presidential elections. Tensions escalated further in 2018 when the U.S. expelled Russian ...
... victorious, and make use of the results of victory.
Ivan Timofeev:
Trump or Harris: Does it Matter for China?
The current state of international relations demonstrates a steady tendency towards the multiplication of deterrence tasks among the three key global ... ... contradictions. Apparently, we are only at the beginning of an exacerbation. After all, the real fight between the two key rivals—the USA and China—is yet to come. One can argue for a long time about what is the root cause of the increase in deterrence—mistakes ...
The new theory of success proposed by the US Space Force is an attempt to justify the force component in space exploration. Obviously, these plans have to be judged not only as a new Manhattan project, but also as a military-economic support for the establishment of a new world order
In February 2023, the United States presented a roadmap for the practical re-assessement of modern deterrence vis-a-vis geostrategic adversaries. Official statements and decisions coming from Washington at the turn...
In the modern world, only two countries can be distinguished which combine both significant material potential and their own political philosophy: the US and China
In the modern science of international relations, defining the essential features of modern superpowers has remained a bone of contention. What makes a true superpower stand above the rest? Is there a universal set of traits that distinguishes a few leaders from many outsiders?...
Over fifty leading experts, former statesmen and diplomats from many countries of the world took part in the event
On November 27–28, 2020, the Canadian Institute for 21st Century Questions (21CQ) together with Global Brief Magazine held a two-day virtual global conference on "The State and Future of the World: Post-Pandemic and Post-U.S. Election".
Over fifty leading experts, former statesmen and diplomats from many countries of the world took part in the event. Andrey Kortunov, RIAC...
... their allies against Syria on the 14th of April 2018 led to the conclusion that continuation of such actions would destabilize international relations. Negotiations on arms control, which previously were intensive, came to an end. This situation jeopardized ... ... same scale of intensity.
It was the epoch (on the rhetorical level, but today on the implementation level, USA willy-nilly) of
America in retreat
[cf. B. Stephens,
America in Retreat. The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder
Donald Trump’s presidency should serve as a shock for the international community, forcing it to arise from the sweet slumber of recent decades
Looking back on the history of international relations over the past three decades it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the world fell into a kind of voluptuous state of relaxation after the end of the Cold War. For some reason, everyone decided that now the main security threat ...
... both relations and Russia.
Speaking of isolation in general, North Korea is the subject of the harshest sanctions policy today. However, it is not completely isolated and has maintained contacts with its neighbours and beyond. Complete isolation in international relations is not possible; there still will be certain opportunities to develop ties.
Could today’s situation be compared to the system of international relations that was present in the 19
Certainly not. The Congress of Vienna ...
In today’s globalized world system, barely any issues can be considered a matter of concern for only one country. Developments in all spheres of international relations - be it nuclear proliferation, climate change, epidemics and diseases, financial instability, or cyber security - affect the whole world in one way or the other. Today’s international setting suggests that the world order to ...
The year 2016 is important for understanding the changes in the international arena that started two years before. It was in 2016 that we began to see the new reality – the more or less clear contours of the future – take shape.
Nothing was so clear in 2014, which was marked by the abrupt transformation of Russia’s relations with the outside world. This was also true of 2015, as too little time passed since key players made extremely consequential decisions whose long-term effects...